Review: Ignite Me (Shatter Me #3) – Tahereh Mafi

Posted 18 February, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 24 Comments

Review: Ignite Me (Shatter Me #3) – Tahereh MafiIgnite Me by Tahereh Mafi
Series: Shatter Me #3
Published by Harper Collins on 4 February 2014
Genres: Dystopian, Paranormal Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 352
Format: eBook
Source: Kindle Purchase

5 Stars

Juliette now knows she may be the only one who can stop the Reestablishment. But to take them down, she'll need the help of the one person she never thought she could trust: Warner. And as they work together, Juliette will discover that everything she thought she knew-about Warner, her abilities, and even Adam-was wrong.

Ignite Me inspired me, so my review will be a poem, an acrostic poem to share with you, this way, I won’t spoil anything at all but still show my undivided appreciation of the beautiful prose, the character growth and the incredible story.

Ignite Me is strong, yet not sure
Graceful, ruthless and full of fight
Nurtured and loved
Incredibly steamy, and lovely as hell
Trustworthy, flippant and new
Extremely ready for change

Meaningful and full of heart
Entangled for life and beyond

Ignite Me is a beautiful ending to a beautiful trilogy, and even if my little poem can’t do it justice, I just felt like writing something in a different kind of prose as a kind of dedication to the wonderful prose that Ignite Me and the whole Shatter Me series involves.

Even if I shared my feelings for Ignite Me in a special way, I can’t help but share a few quotes as well – and there are many, many to choose from!

Time seems to stand still. Everything I want to say and everything I’ve wished to say begins to take shape, falling to the floor and scrambling upright. Paragraphs and paragraphs begin building walls around me, blocking and justifying as they find ways to fit together, linking and weaving and leaving no room for escape.

I’m so afraid to speak. So afraid to move my lips. I’m so scared that if I move even an inch, my body will snap in half and everyone will see that my insides are made up of nothing but all the tears I’m swallowing back right now.

It was affection and a desperate desire for physical connection. Two things I’d been so deprived of, and so wholly unfamiliar with. I had nothing to compare these new experiences to.

Lexxie signature (un)Conventional Bookviews

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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24 responses to “Review: Ignite Me (Shatter Me #3) – Tahereh Mafi

    • The writing is very different, and I know some people didn’t enjoy the series because of that, but for me – it made it truly beautiful!

  1. Well, I haven’t read it yet, Lexxie so I don’t know about whether you did justice to Ignite Me or not…but your acrostic is amazing!! It’s the perfect ode to Ms. Mafi’s writing. It is thoughtful, creative and heartfelt. I LOVE IT!! And I’m soooo happy this was an excellent ending to the series. I can’t wait to get started on it.

    Well done, my friend. I hope your start back to school is going well. **BIG HUGS**

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: **Release Day Review ~ Back Forever ~ Karen Booth**
    • *curtsies* thank you Brandee! I love Ms. Mafi’s writing so much, and I just felt really inspired. I’m glad you enjoyed my acrostic 😀

      It’s great to be back in school, but it’s hard too! I’m actually pretty happy to be alone at home for these first days back – I don’t need to cook, or take care of anybody else but me 😀

  2. Such a good idea to do the review poem! So creative Lexxie. I still have to read this series hopefully buy this year I would have read all the books!

    I hope I enjoy them as much as you do! Glad you liked them Lexxie 🙂 xx

    • I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I did, too, Gabby! I just loved the way it was written, it made the dark, bleak world more bearable thanks to the beautiful prose.

  3. When Shatter Me first came out, I was completely book broke. I had already spend WAY to much money on other books, but I read the sample chapters and it did not matter, I had to have it. And it was totally worth it. I need to get off my duff and finish this series (series that inspire poetry deserve to finished immediately, I think). Great review!

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads recently posted: Review: Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
    • I agree, Jessica. The prose is so different, and also so beautiful it almost hurts to read! I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the series just as much as you did Shatter Me!

  4. I definitely agree 100% with everything you’ve said Lexxie! This was definitely a fantastic ending to an even better series, and I loved every paragraph! I’m so sad to see the series end though! 🙁 Your explanation that it’s so beautiful that it’s hard to review and that you just have to read it for yourself is completely accurate.

    As always, brilliant review Lexxie and thanks for sharing! (BTW…I loved you acrostic poem at the beginning of the review!)

    Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf recently posted: Uninvited

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