Review: Doe and the Wolf (Furry United Coalition #5) – Eve Langlais

Posted 30 May, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 2 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: Doe and the Wolf (Furry United Coalition #5) – Eve LanglaisDoe and the Wolf by Eve Langlais
Series: Furry United Coalition #5
Published by Selfpublished on 5 November 2013
Genres: Adult, Erotica, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 163
Format: eBook
Source: Kindle Purchase
4 Stars

What happens when a predator falls for his prey?

Bounty hunting is the perfect job for a maverick wolf; flexible hours, decent pay, the thrill of the chase. But Everett never counted on a doe stopping him in his furry tracks.

Dawn was a prisoner of Mastermind and ended up experimented on, against her wishes. On the run from Furry United Coalition agents, she ends up in the arms—and bed—of a lupine bounty hunter. Instinct tells her to run when she gets a chance because everyone knows not to trust the big, bad wolf, but her heart begs her to stay.

When the result of genetics gone wrong rears its mutated head and threatens both of their lives, will they manage to survive and discover if a wolf deserves a happily ever after?

Eve Langlais always manages to make me laugh with her awesome humor, quirky characters and crazy shifters, and Doe and the Wolf is no exception to that rule. Everett is such a goofy wolf it’s impossible not to love him, and Dawn is pretty tough and salacious under that shy demeanor she hides behind. After Everett was fired from FUC, he became a bounty hunter with his friend Tom, the sleuth. That right there shows some of the humor, right?

A quick read, Doe and the Wolf manged to entertain me, and to keep my mind off my upcoming exams with ease. Between the improbable situations both Dawn and Everett found themselves in, the creepy monster-gecko and the fact that Dawn just might be on a most wanted list made for some excitement as well. And once the shifters got down to business, they were really good at working together against a common enemy.

If you enjoy erotica that’s different, Doe and the Wolf is the kind of story you’d enjoy. Dirty humor, quick wit and hot sex-scenes, as well as a doe that is so much more than her fellow forest animals, I thoroughly enjoyed myself for a few hours.

“Before they kicked you out for not listening to the instructors. Are you starting to see a pattern?” Yeah. He did. He needed to stop working with people who thought the law and criminals should abide by a strict set of rules.

That man is dangerous. Not just because he was a predator but also because he was obviously a rake such as she used to read about in her romance novels.

She didn’t look like any Bambi he’d ever encountered, and he’d met quite a few during his support of local bars and their amateur dancers. Before judging, keep in mind the dollars he’d spent at the clothing optional locales helped many a young lady pay for college. Just doing his part to support education.

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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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2 responses to “Review: Doe and the Wolf (Furry United Coalition #5) – Eve Langlais

  1. I need to read more Eve, Lexxie. I’ve loved the few I’ve read…I just need more time. *ha* (I say that a lot, don’t I?) I’m glad you enjoyed Doe and the Wolf…I don’t know how long ago you read it, but I’m thinking you needed some light and fluffy! 😉

    I wish you luck on your upcoming exams. And after your week-long nap, I can wait to read and chat and read and chat and read and chat some more!! Yep, we’ll have some fun! *big hugs*

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