Review: Angels Fall – J.A. Huss and Johnathan McClain

Posted 3 April, 2018 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Review: Angels Fall – J.A. Huss and Johnathan McClainAngels Fall by J. A. Huss, Johnathan McClain
Series: Original Sin #2
Published by Science Future Press on 27 March 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Mystery, Romance, Suspense
Format: Kindle
Source: Kindle Purchase
3.5 Stars

Sometimes angels fall.

Maddie doesn’t really owe drug lord, Carlos Castillo, money. So she hadn’t taken his threats seriously. Until now. He wants it, whether she owes it or not. And if she doesn’t have it in six weeks he’s gonna take her as payment instead.

Tyler would save the world if he could. That’s a fight that lasts forever. And if there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s fighting. So if Maddie thinks she’s gonna deal with an insane drug lord on her own, she’s crazier than he is.

She’s got a debt she can’t pay. He’s got more money than he needs.
She’s not gonna fall for his charm. He’s gonna make sure that happens.

They’re destined to be together. Even if Maddie doesn’t know it yet.
Sometimes your soul mate isn’t who you’d choose, it’s who you need.

Good thing you don’t get to choose.

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews Dark - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Angels Fall didn’t captivate me the same way Sin With Me did. I felt quite detached from the characters, even if the writing was really good.

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews


Angels Fall follows the action straight after Sin With Me. And I kind of feel like not much happened – even if it did. At the beginning of the story, Maddie was not where she wanted to be, but she had a plan about how to extricate herself. At least for the short term.

Tyler was very much the same, even if Angels Fall, he was a bit more reasonable. He thought about other people than himself. He figured out that there were, indeed, people who cared about him. And he didn’t stop wanting Maddie.

Angels Fall did bring some new information to light, but not as much as I expected, and that might be partly why I felt rather removed, instead of being fully there with the characters. I still can’t wait to see what this amazing author duo will come up with next, though. I am sure they have more than a few surprises for me – as well as twists I never will see coming.

Writing style :

First person, present tense, Angels Fall included chapters from either Tyler’s or Maddie’s point of view. Being so close to the characters normally makes me feel everything they feel, only that didn’t really happen here. I also found the pace to be slower, even with everything going on.

Feels :

I did feel the danger, and the very strong attraction between Tyler and Maddie. But I still didn’t feel fully invested.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

I kinda like this devil. He’s so goddamned practical. And right. Every single time. I’m ten paces past exhausted from last night’s revelation and the long drive. Not to mention the situation I’m currently in.

Taking life advice from a stripper with a heart of gold at three in the morning, in the parking lot of a titty-bar in Las Vegas. This is what my life is.

Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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10 responses to “Review: Angels Fall – J.A. Huss and Johnathan McClain

  1. Berls

    Hmmm Brandee said the same thing – not that she didn’t like it, but that it was not as good as the first. (which I still haven’t read!) How did that happen? I have it downloaded but books and life got in the way. Maybe I’ll be happier if I read the whole thing together…

    Happy Hump Day Lexxie 🙂 {{BIG HUGS}}

  2. You and me both, Lexxie! I rated this second instalment 3.5 as well, it didn’t had the same impact the first one had on me, but I hope things are going to change with the third volume. Tyler still makes me laugh, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a few surprises on the road!

  3. Ha! Well, we are definitely in agreement on this one, wifey. Of course, we typically are but… I hoping Huss and McClain take us “there” even if we didn’t enjoy this one quite as much. We’ll see…
    {{{BIG HUGS}}}

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