Category: Discussion Posts

Up Close and (un)Conventional – Children’s Books

Up Close and (un)Conventional – Children’s Books

Up Close and (un)Conventional – Children’s Books Welcome to my Up Close and (un)Conventional. This is where I discuss both things that have to do with reading and blogging, and things that just have to do with life in general. This time, I wanted to chat a little bit about children’s books. Especially when it comes to international bloggers. Because, frankly, I had never heard of Dr. Seuss until I was an adult – we had so many Scandinavian authors who wrote children’s books. And even now, I think that most of them are really excellent. I’m pretty sure that even my English-speaking friends have heard of some of the authors that populated my childhood with amazing stories, but there […]


Up Close and (un)Conventional – ARCs and International Bloggers

Up Close and (un)Conventional – ARCs and International Bloggers

Up Close and (un)Conventional – ARCs and International Bloggers Welcome to my newest Up Close and (un)Conventional. This is where I discuss both things that have to do with reading and blogging, and things that just have to do with life in general. This week, I wanted to chat about ARCs. I have been quite lucky so far in my blogging career, as I have received many ARCs. Both those I have requested on either NetGalley or Edelweiss, from various book conventions I have been to, as well as from authors who send review requests my way. Last week, NetGalley informed their users that their platform would no longer accept requests from international bloggers or reviewers. Some people were quite upset […]


Up Close and (un)Conventional – Religion in Books

Up Close and (un)Conventional – Religion in Books

Up Close and (un)Conventional Welcome to this week’s Up Close and (un)Conventional. This is where I discuss both things that have to do with reading and blogging, and things that just have to do with life in general. This week, I’m going to discuss religion in books. Last week, I posted my review for Tiffany Reisz’ The Night Mark, and Lily @ Night Owl Book Café had a very good comment that made my brain take completely off, and voilà, I have a discussion post 🙂 What Lily commented was that Reisz usually includes religion in her stories. And this is definitely true. However, nobody can be as far from preachy as Reisz, is, I think. Take her Original Sinners […]


Up Close and (un)Conventional – Why I Read Romance

Up Close and (un)Conventional – Why I Read Romance

Up Close and (un)Conventional – Why I read romance Welcome to this week’s Up Close and (un)Conventional. This is where I discuss both things that have to do with reading and blogging, and things that just have to do with life in general. This week, I’m going to chat a bit about the reason why I read romance. I was totally inspired by Deborah @’s post about why she doesn’t read romantic fiction. Sometimes, I think there are ways we may be swayed a little by what we read, and at the same time, it’s the escapism that always gets me. One of the  main reasons why I read romance, even being happily (not all the time!!) married myself, […]


Up Close and (un)Conventional – Unrealistic Expectations?

Up Close and (un)Conventional – Unrealistic Expectations?

Up Close and (un)Conventional – Unrealistic Expectations? Welcome to this week’s Up Close and (un)Conventional. This is where I discuss both things that have to do with reading and blogging, and things that just have to do with life in general. This week, I’m discussing unrealistic expectations and what can happen if we take romance novels literally… A while back, a friend of mine on Facebook had a status message saying that romance novels made women have as unrealistic expectations to relationships as porn movies made men have… And I found that to be a very interesting, albeit not completely correct assertion. I love reading romance, and you know that if you have ever visited me before. I love reading […]


Up Close and (un)Conventional – Before PNR

Up Close and (un)Conventional – Before PNR

Up Close and (un)Conventional Before PNR Welcome my first Up Close and (un)Conventional of 2017. This is where I discuss both things that have to do with reading and blogging, and things that just have to do with life in general. This week, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about what a book snob I used to be… Way back when (hehe, actually, not that far back.) At first, it was because I only read ‘serious’ literature, big names who had won literary prices, classic literature, and some contemporary authors, but only those who wrote about realistic themes and subjects. Then, I discovered romance novels after my first child was born. And that was when I started to feel how other […]


Up Close and (un)Conventional – Romance Heroes… or not?

Up Close and (un)Conventional – Romance Heroes… or not?

Up Close and (un)Conventional Romance Heroes Welcome to this week’s Up Close and (un)Conventional. This is where I discuss both things that have to do with reading and blogging, and things that just have to do with life in general. This week, I’m thinking about romance heroes. Or the romance anti-hero. Or the incredibly alpha-hero that I love reading about, and that I cheer on when it comes to the heroine, but that I wouldn’t want in my life in the real world. I’m sure you’ve met him (or them, as the case may be) as well, no? If you read romances, it’s almost impossible to not have met an alpha hero who is the take-charge kind of guy. The […]


Up Close and (un)Conventional Features and Discussions

Up Close and (un)Conventional Features and Discussions

Up Close and (un)Conventional  – Features and Discussions Welcome to this week’s Up Close and (un)Conventional. This is where I discuss both things that have to do with reading and blogging, and things that just have to do with life in general. This week, I’m wondering about features and discussions, as well as other posts. See, I usually have a single post every day, because I think it’s easier for those who visit my blog to find everything that way. However, recently, I’ve had an idea for a new feature. It could be monthly, bi-weekly or weekly. But if I do that, I’d have one day less to post reviews. And that’s kind of the main thing I do here […]


Up Close and (un)Conventional: Condescending Shelves

Up Close and (un)Conventional: Condescending Shelves

Up Close and (un)Conventional: Condescending Shelves Welcome to this week’s Up Close and (un)Conventional. This is where I discuss both things that have to do with reading and blogging, and things that just have to do with life in general. This week, I’m discussing what I want to call condescending shelves. What am I talking about, you ask? Well, a little while ago, I had some time to kill, and went to one of only two book stores in Geneva where it’s possible to buy books in English! Yeah, we really don’t have a lot of choice, especially because there are several official languages here, and we will mostly find either books by French, German or Italian authors, or books […]


Up Close and (un)Conventional – School System

Up Close and (un)Conventional – School System

Up Close and (un)Conventional – School System Welcome to this week’s Up Close and (un)Conventional. This is where I discuss both things that have to do with reading and blogging, and things that just have to do with life in general. This week, I have been thinking about different school systems quite a bit. I know some of you have kids already back in school, and I just came back home from Spain, where kids are off for three months in the summer and won’t start back until the middle of September. So I wanted to share how the school system is here in Switzerland and I would really love to hear back from you about how it works in […]
