Blogtour : Home to Whiskey Creek (Whiskey Creek #4) – Brenda Novak

Posted 29 July, 2013 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Blog Tour / 35 Comments

Welcome to the first stop of the Blogtour Home to Whiskey Creek by Brenda Novak! If you have been around here at (un)Conventional Boookviews before, you know I love the Whiskey Creek series, every time I get to open a new book in the series, I feel like I get to meet up with some good friends I haven’t seen for a long while. I’m really happy to be one of the hosts of the tour, as I think most of my blogger friends need to start reading this series – I have few people to discuss it with for the time being 😉

Home to Whiskey Creek cover - (un)Conventional Bookview

Back Cover:

Sometimes home is the refuge you need—and sometimes it isn’t….
Adelaide Davies, who’s been living in Sacramento, returns to Whiskey Creek, the place she once called home. She’s there to take care of her aging grandmother and to help with Gran’s restaurant, Just Like Mom’s. But Adelaide isn’t happy to be back. There are too many people here she’d rather avoid, people who were involved in that terrible June night fifteen years ago.
Ever since the graduation party that changed her life, she’s wanted to go to the police and make sure the boys responsible—men now—are punished. But she can’t, not without revealing an even darker secret. So it’s better to pretend….
Noah Rackham, popular, attractive, successful, is shocked when Adelaide won’t have anything to do with him. He has no idea that his very presence reminds her of something she’d rather forget. He only knows that he’s finally met a woman he could love.

You can buy your copy at Amazon | B&N | or add it to Goodreads

So, let’s all say welcome to Brenda Novak, and her newest release Home to Whiskey Creek!

Welcome to Day 1 of my Blog Tour! Today you’re going to meet one of the friends who make Whiskey Creek, the fictional town in my new contemporary romance series, the “heart of Gold Country.” But before we get to that, unless you’re from California you’re probably wondering what gold country is—or if it’s a real place. It is absolutely real (and charming and quaint). It’s in the Sierra Nevada foothills of Northern California where gold was discovered, kicking off The Gold Rush, and it’s comprised of the many small towns that sprang up along Highway 49, towns like Placerville, Sutter Creek, Amador City and Jackson. Since I live in Sacramento, I’m quite familiar with these places. I love to take my family out that way to tour one of the mines, go spelunking or rappelling at Moaning Caverns, mountain bike or shop for antiques. All the schools around here take field trips to Coloma, where they actually pan for gold.

So that’s what you’re going to be doing–“panning” for gold by searching for the “nugget” or secret object that has to do with gold mining hidden somewhere on this page and pairing it with the name of the friend discussed below. Once you find the object, simply write down the blog name, the item name and the friend name and follow me to the next URL. Everyone who turns in a perfect score card (which you can download at at the end of this tour will receive a Whiskey Creek package consisting of a mug from Black Gold Coffee (the fictional coffee shop in my series), a black Amos Auto Body T-shirt (in honor of Dylan, my favorite hero, who owns the body shop), a free digital copy of WHEN WE TOUCH (the prequel novella that kicks off the series), an autographed Whiskey Creek poster and autographed cover cards for all the Whiskey Creek books released so far!

HtWC1 mines - (un)Conventional Bookviews

And now you’d probably like to meet some of the characters that comprise the new series, especially the character you need for your scorecard. In the prequel novella, WHEN WE TOUCH, you’re invited to a wedding—only it’s the wrong wedding. Olivia Arnold is arranging the festivities, and it’s the hardest thing she’s ever done. Her jealous sister, Noelle, stole away the man she planned to marry herself—and now she’s pregnant. Everyone in Whiskey Creek knows Kyle’s making a mistake, especially his stepbrother, Brandon. But Kyle’s determined to go through with it, for his child’s sake. Olivia’s devastated, but surprisingly Brandon, the black sheep of the family, is there to provide comfort and consolation. The intensity between them shows Olivia that maybe Kyle wasn’t the right man for her, after all. But is it Brandon?
You’ll get to find out! Follow me through my 10-stop tour, and you’ll get this 150-page novella that kicks off the whole series for FREE!


WHEN WE TOUCH (Digital prequel novella)
Book #4 – HOME TO WHISKEY CREEK (Coming out now!)
Book #5 – TAKE ME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS (To be released October 29, 2013)
Book #6 – COME HOME TO ME (To be released April 2014)
With many more on the way!

Brenda Novak - (un)Conventional Bookviews
Meet Author Brenda Novak:

New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Brenda Novak is the author of more than forty-five books. A three-time Rita nominee, she has won many awards, including the National Reader’s Choice, the Bookseller’s Best, the Book Buyer’s Best, the Daphne, and the Holt Medallion. She also runs an annual on-line auction for diabetes research every May at (her youngest son has this disease). To date, she’s raised over $2 million. Brenda has a brand new small-town contemporary series out. Come meet the long-time friends who have made Whiskey Creek the “Heart of Gold Country,” with WHEN WE TOUCH (prequel novella), WHEN LIGHTNING STRIKES (Book #1), WHEN SNOW FALLS (Book #2), WHEN SUMMER COMES (Book #3), HOME TO WHISKEY CREEK (Book #4) and TAKE ME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS (Book #6 due out October 29, 2013).
Twitter: @Brenda_Novak

Giveaway Details:
Follow the directions in each of Brenda’s posts along the tour. Keep track of your answers because at the end of the tour, you’ll be asked to submit them. Perfect “Character Mining Score Cards” will get a fabulous Whiskey Creek package! Full Tour Giveaway details can be found at (as well as the “Character Mining Score Cards”) This contest is open to all US & Canada residents of the age of majority. Please see full Terms & Conditions at

Follow Brenda on Facebook. Join her mailing list. Visit her website at to enter her drawing for an amazing 7-night stay at a luxurious resort OR an iPad!

You can check out the other tour stops directly at Lit Connect.

If you want to see how much love I have for each of the books I’ve already read in the series, you can find my reviews by clicking on each title :

When We Touch (#0.5)   |  When Lightning Strikes (#1)  |  When Snow Falls (#2)  |  When Summer Comes (#3)  |  Home to Whiskey Creek (#4)

Gold Nugget clue - (un)Conventional Bookviews*psst* here’s a new clue for all you scavenger-hunters…

Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you’ll have fun with this blogtour over the next ten days, and I wish you good luck with this unique giveaway! Have a fantastic Monday 🙂

Lexxie signature (un)Conventional Bookviews



Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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35 responses to “Blogtour : Home to Whiskey Creek (Whiskey Creek #4) – Brenda Novak

    • Oh, you really should! I love this series, all the books are solid four or five stars reads for me 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by Stormi!

    • How about today, Stormie? LOL You can get WHEN WE TOUCH for free when you enter my giveaway (everyone who enters receives a free copy). Not only that but the first book, WHEN LIGHTNING STRIKES, is currently on sale for $1.99. 🙂

  1. Shari

    Love your Whiskey Creek series, I have read them all. I just loved Home To Whiskey Creek, dealing with such difficult situations.

  2. Mona

    When we Touch was so wonderful…I love the Whiskey Series have not missed one book. My favorite is Dylan and Cheyenne….When Snow Falls…The story is so touching…keep them coming Brenda. I can’t wait to get Home To Whiskey Creek…xo

    • Yay, Shari! Your post made my day. I must be exhausted from the fair (I spent a whole week at the California State Fair signing books for 12 hours a day) because I’ve just been sitting here, staring at my computer instead of working. LOL Then I switched over to see what was happening here and was like…nice. 😉 Thank you!

      Brenda Novak recently posted: Historical Boxed Set on Sale for only $1.99!!
  3. Hi Brenda! As you already know, I love this series — I gobbled them up in record time. 😉 Can’t wait for Noah’s story…and I’m really excited for Sophia’s story in October. What’s next after hers?

    Lexxie — I’ll be happy to chat Whiskey Creek with you any time! 🙂

    Jeannie Ruesch recently posted: Getting ..and Missing…”The Call”
  4. Heathercm2001

    Whiskey Creek is one of my favorite series! I can’t get enough of it! The characters and their stories are just amazing! I can’t even pick a favorite because I have loved them all so much!

  5. Corrina G

    I absolutely love this series and have been impatiently waiting for the next installment. Can’t wait until tomorrow!

    • Yes, the police chief needs a couple of chill pills at the very least! I hope he will get his soon 🙂 I hate it when people are prejudiced like that, and the way he had closed the case before actually starting to investigate was not good!

  6. Okay, Lexxie, I KNOW I’m one of your blogger friends that need to get started on this series. 😉 Especially since I met Brenda on the shuttle ride from the airport to the hotel at RT! LOL This is a really neat way to get people started. Maybe I should go ahead and do some one-clicking?!?

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: **New Releases from Diane Rinella**
    • LOL Brandee! Yes! But you will get the prequel novella for free if you visit Brenda’s web-site and check out the tour on her site as well. Then, you will want to start one-clicking 😉

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