Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Dirty Empire ~ Nina West

Posted 9 February, 2021 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 4 Comments

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Dirty Empire ~ Nina WestDirty Empire by Nina West
Series: Dirty Empire #3
Published by Selfpublished on September 15, 2020
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Pages: 240
Format: Kindle
Source: Kindle Unlimited
4.5 Stars

Mercy Wheeler and Gabriel Easton’s sordid tale continues in Dirty Empire as Mercy finds her loyalties tested and Gabriel’s attempt to break free of his family’s legacy comes with unexpected consequences.

Dirty Empire is the third book in the Dirty Empire series and should be read after Sweet Mercy and Gabriel Fallen.

Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews New Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Sigh. Wifey, I thought we were going to get the conclusion to Mercy and Gabriel’s story with Dirty Empire. Alas, there’s one more book to come. Good thing, NWest put enough goodness and suspense in Dirty Empire to keep me satisfied while I wait. 😉

Oh my gosh! This was such an intense book! So much was going on. And I agree, I thought this would be the conclusion as well. And now, we have to wait until September :O


After the ending of the last book, I figured Mercy would be freaked. And rightfully so. She’s had some difficult things to consider when it comes to her feelings for Gabriel and where she wants this relationship to go. Dirty Empire proved she’d have to continue on this reflective (ha!) path a little longer. But she did reach a conclusion. One I was elated with even tough she learned more scary things about Gabriel and saw herself exposed to more danger. How did you feel about things Mercy discovered and endured? And her ultimate decision about her course forward with Gabriel?

Yup, definitely. And in this novel, she had even more thrown on her. I was actually a bit mitigated about her conclusion, because of all the things going on. Everything she had to endure would have more than freaked me out. I was actually freaked out for her. I understand her ultimate decision about her course forward with Gabriel – also, there wouldn’t really be a story if she had done something different.


I adore the fact we get Gabriel’s POV in this series. We’ve seen so much character growth in him and I’ve fallen for him right alongside Mercy. He’s definitely not the same arrogant playboy/mob heir we met in the beginning. Watching as he makes decisions while having Mercy in the equation…well, it kinda proves love can conquer all. And even though he can be a little too alpha sometimes, I know he’s only trying to protect Mercy. Is your opinion of Gabriel affected by getting his POV? What do you think of how he’s changed?

The addition of Gabriel’s POV is awesome. And it does teach us a lot about him. I especially enjoy the fact that he really loves Mercy, and that he tells her this as well. I think he’s become a different man in part thanks to Mercy, because he had never loved anyone before. Plus, of course he does want to keep her safe.


One of the best parts about NWest is how she has secondary characters play such integral roles in the story. Gabriel’s brother, Caleb, and Mercy’s best friend, Michelle, definitely play important roles. Caleb…OMG! I dearly hope we get books dedicated to him. The woman who eventually tames him is one I want to meet. I was thinking it might be Michelle but I was wrong. So wrong. What do you think about Caleb? And Michelle? Did Michelle’s betrayal change how you felt about her?

Caleb does need his own books! And Michelle like, really, woman? She might have actually been able to help Mercy change her mind about everything if she had been open with her from the beginning. But all that sneaking around, and letting Mercy be so terrified is not something I could deal with. I say throw the whole woman away now! In a way I understand part of why she did what she did, but she shouldn’t have actually done it to Mercy! Caleb is both scary and at the same way somehow likeable. I don’t even know how to explain that, but he is.


That ending! Holy wow! I wish we didn’t have to wait so long to see how things work out. But I know NWest will make it worth the wait. Even if I’m a little scared. What did you think about the final event?

Holy hell the ending! I don’t usually enjoy cliffhangers, but the one here in Dirty Empire was such a good one! I can’t wait for the next book to come out, because we both know who that was. *shudders*


Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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4 responses to “Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Dirty Empire ~ Nina West

  1. Maureen Bakker

    I haven’t heard about this author before. Sounds like a fun series! And cliffhangers can be so frustrating! But when done right I don’t mind them as much.
    You ladies sure made me curious about this one 😉

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