Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Cocky Bastard ~ Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland

Posted 25 September, 2018 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 29 Comments

*I received a free copy of Cocky Bastard from CreateSpace via Purchase. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Cocky Bastard ~ Penelope Ward & Vi KeelandCocky Bastard by Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland
Published by CreateSpace on August 14, 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 336
Length: 7 hours, 59 minutes
Format: eBook
Source: Purchase
4 Stars

He was someone who belonged in my wildest fantasies instead of a rest stop in the middle of Nebraska.

A sexy, cocky, Australian named Chance was the last person I expected to run into on my cross-country drive.

When my car broke down, we made a deal. Next thing I knew, we were traveling together, spending sexually-tense nights in hotels and taking unplanned detours.

My ordinary road trip turned into the adventure of a lifetime. It was all fun and games until things got intense.

I wanted him, but Chance wouldn’t make a move. I thought he wanted me too, but something was holding him back.

I wasn’t supposed to fall for the cocky bastard, especially when I knew we’d be going our separate ways.

All good things must come to an end, right?

Except our ending was one I didn’t see coming.

2nd Chance - (un) Conventional Bookviews Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Lexxie and I buddy read Cocky Bastard – although she read while I listened. We both enjoyed this second chance at romance story that was fun as well as deep.

What did you think about their first meeting? And the subsequent road trip?

The first meeting had me laugh out loud for real! And man, Chance really was a cocky bastard *laughs*. The road trip was awesome – I felt like I was travelling with them. I loved that they listened to music, stopped for food, and just chatted about so many different subjects. Even if Chance was very careful about not sharing one aspect of his own life.

The Obama bobble-head! *grins* Yes, that was funny. I enjoyed their banter from the start. Aubrey was so prickly and Chance was…well, cocky. *wink* The road trip was fantastic and I felt the authors did an amazing job of allowing Aubrey and Chance to get to know one another, via food, music, etc. Isn’t it interesting how well you can get to know someone even though he’s not sharing much of anything about his own life?

How did you feel about Chance’s behavior and the distance he seemed to want to keep? And how did you feel about what eventually happened?

I was SO mad at Chance! I was totally prepared to hate him – especially with how he finally let the distance fall away, only to do something unforgivable just afterwards. I felt so bad for Aubrey. Especially because she was moving across the country to get away from her ex. And then things just ended up really hard for her anyway. I don’t think Chance is a man who’s easy to get over…

Grrr! I was mad at him too. And I just couldn’t figure out what in the world he could be hiding. And let me tell you, my imagination was doing him NO favors! Even though we eventually are enlightened, I did think what he did to Aubrey was selfish. I know she’s essentially the one who “took the bull by the horns” because she wanted what she wanted but still. I guess neither Chance nor Aubrey was easy to get over though, huh?

Did you like the dual POV?

I loved the dual POV! And I especially loved how the book was in two parts, where we got Aubrey first, and Chance in the second part. It just explained so much, and I already knew and understood Aubrey very well when we got Chance’s POV.

I loved the dual POV and the way Ward and Keeland divided the book into two parts as well. It gave both Chance and Aubrey as well as their story a lot of depth.

Did you enjoy how Chance went about taking advantage of his second chance? <–I do love the word play there *wink*

LOL. Yes, I loved how Chance went about getting his second chance. Plus, you know second-chance-at love is one of my favorite tropes in romances. And I think Ward/Keeland did a fantastic job. There was no miscommunications, there was just a lot of trust issues that had to be worked through real slowly.

*grins* You know second-chances are one of my favorite tropes as well. I found Chance and Aubrey’s story so heartwarming. They deserved this second chance and I adored the Aubrey really made him work for it…something Chance did not mind one bit! He did need to do a bit of groveling…and gardening. He wasn’t going to give up, that’s for sure.

What did you think about the goat?

OMG the goat! I thought that was so funny. And how could I not love both Aubrey and Chance when they took such good care of an animal that didn’t really have anything to do with them, you know? They really stepped up and did what was necessary. Plus, the goat was so endearing!

The goat had me rolling and wiping tears! It was hilarious to see Aubrey and Chance interact with/take care of the goat. And you’re right, it proved the type of people they were to see them take such good care of a goat. It made for a pretty good pet though as well as provided comedic relief. *giggles*

Favorite element/part?

I think one of my favorite scenes was when Chance had made an appointment with Aubrey’s law-firm. And she didn’t know that he was the client. That was priceless 🙂

That had me laughing hard myself. I can still hear his *ahem* name being said. *snorts* I liked the way Chance threw Aubrey’s boyfriend off-track when he caught him at her house. That made me giggle since the guy was clearly not as smart as he liked to think he was. Come to think of it, there was quite a bit of humor…Aubrey’s neighbor… So I like the element of humor. It made the deeper elements easier to take.

As I said, I listened to Cocky Bastard so I wanted to make note of the narration. Michelle Ferguson and Aaron Abano were both new-to-me narrators and while I preferred Ferguson, I quite enjoyed them both. The delivered an even pace as well as every emotion. I was driving between home and Texas and I admit to having to use a little more caution at times due to tears…both from laughing and crying. I’ll seek out these narrators again.


Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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29 responses to “Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Cocky Bastard ~ Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland

  1. I’ve had a few where I wasn’t sure a stupid move would be recovered from, but it sounds like between the pair of them, they got passed Chances issues. You have me very curious about the goat now. 🙂

    • I adore Keeland/Ward as a team, too, Tanya! I was so happy to have finally pulled this one off the shelf. It was a lot of fun but was also deep…like these two always seem to be. I don’t like miscommunication as a trope either. But this was really about trust and the goat was definitely a bonus. Oh, and there was also a bobble-head…… LOL

  2. Lovely thoughts on this one. I have been curious about this one. and I adore dual POV and yippee for a road trip romance!! 🙂 My favorite. Although I don’t see it too often in contemporary as other genres.

  3. I like how you reviewed this one with both of you sharing your thoughts! Their first meeting sounds fun, it’s great when a book starts of great right away. And there’s something fun about road trips. So the first part is Aubrey’s point of view and the second half Chance? That sounds like an unique way to handle dual pov. I also enjoy second chance romances. And you got me curious about the goat.Great review!

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