Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.

Series: This Man #2
Published by Forever on 18 June 2013
Pages: 452
Format: Paperback
Source: BookBonanza 18

Jesse Ward drowned her with his intensity and blindsided her with his passion, but he kept her away from his dark secrets and broken soul. Leaving him was the only way Ava O'Shea could survive. She should have known that Jesse Ward is impossible to escape--and now he's back in her life, determined to remind her of the sensual pleasures they had shared. Ava is equally determined to get at the truth beneath this man's steely exterior. That means letting herself get close to the Lord of the Manor once more. And it's exactly where Jesse wants her--within touching distance...
Here we go again, with the second book in the This Man series by Jodi Ellen Malpas, Beneath This Man.
I don’t think either of us were incredibly impressed with this installment, wifey, what did you think of the overall story?
I felt like this was a filler story of sorts. Not much happened until the last third or so. However, the writing still made it compelling. I *had* to keep reading to see what happened next. Why do you think that is? Malpas also infused more humor into this installment and it was welcome. And that last third? Wowza! What did you think of the events and revelations in that final part?
I agree! It totally felt like a filler story. More of the same… Like you, though, I really enjoyed the last part of Beneath This Man! The pace sped up, and we finally got to know our characters a little better. I was stunned by the events and revelations in the final part. I was also happy to feel rewarded for having continue to read.
Do you think the character development was well done?
I didn’t think there was a lot of character development until the final third of the book. The characters were consistent though. Does that count? But there wasn’t much growth…until there was that tiny peek of some growth and what we could (*fingers crossed*) look forward to.
LOL, yes, they were consistent. But I don’t think that’s always a good thing. I rolled my eyes so many times at both Jesse and Ava it’s a miracle I actually managed to continue reading. Again- the last part really got to me, though.
How did you feel about the fact that Jesse still used his charisma, and sex, to get what he wanted from Ava?
You know, I know that this element of Jesse “sticks in your craw.” (do you use that expression? LOL) But I have to say that it didn’t bother me so much and that’s because Ava always knew what he was doing and she didn’t really mind. It’s who he is and the fact that he used his, um, abilities *wink* on Ava only made me more curious about the reasons why he did it. So in that way, Malpas did her job…kept me curious and engaged.
Yeah, Jesse really got on my nerves. And no, I have never seen that expression before! I think that in a way, Ava enabled him to treat her that way. But at the very beginning, she really tried to leave – and he wouldn’t let her. He also did not understand that no means no.
There were some more side characters in Beneath This Man, do you think they moved the overall plot forward?
There were more side characters in this installment and I’m split on their affect on the plot. Some of them definitely did move the plot along, or at least there is the possibility that they might. However, there were a few that didn’t seem to do much at all. But there was the possibility, right? What did you think of the mystery/twist plot threads?
I found some of the new side characters to be refreshing – because it meant we saw other sides to Ava and Jesse as well. And I enjoyed those interactions and how the plot shifted a little bit. I loved the mystery / twist plot threads. That’s partly why I just had to read the third book as soon as I finished this one!
Reading this book contributed to these challenges:
Sounds like it was a so-so one for you both for a while. Glad you found the mystery and side characters were a good addition. Fun how a character’s action struck you both so differently.
Enjoyed your chat. Thanks!
Twitter: ailynk
I am enjoying these banters a lot, it does show that different people would have different opinion. Open discussions are great.
having said that, my comments have been marked as spam on your page, Sophia =(
We love chatting about books, and I hope we’ll be able to keep up with our buddy-reads as we get busy in fall!
It was just so-so for us, Sophia, and yet we still kept reading. LOL AND we were rewarded…eventually. 🙂
It really was so-so for both of us. But we still couldn’t stop reading 🙂
Twitter: ejaygirl77
Loved your discussion!
Thanks, Jonetta! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Lexxie and I are having a good time with buddy reads and chat reviews. 🙂
Thanks Jonetta!
Twitter: BerlsS
Great discussion! I love when people disagree on big elements – not having read it, I think it would bother me a lot that he didn’t respect that no means no. That’s a big one for me. But I do see the side that she always knew what he was doing and allowed it. Maybe I’ll just have to read it to form my own opinion… I’ll see what y’all think of the next book since this was just so-so for you both.
{{Hugs}} miss you both!!!
Ha! Yes you will have to read it and form your own opinion, Berls. 🙂 And we did both find this installment just so-so but we kept reading and were eventually rewarded. 😀 Our review of book #3 will post in the next couple of weeks. 🙂
Miss you, too! {{{BIG HUGS}}}
You have to pick it up yourself, Berls. We kind of fell in love with Jesse in the third book 😉
Jesse really sounds pretty domineering and sometimes I like that in a male lead but not always so I’m not sure how I’d feel about him if I’d read the books. Hmm…
I think both Lexxie and I were kinda on the fence about Jesse, Stephanie…Lexxie even more so than me. Despite our frustrations with this installment though, we kept reading and by the end of the book felt vindicated in having done so. Our review of book #3 will post in the next few weeks. Then you can see how we ended up feeling about Jesse and Ava. 😀
I didn’t like Jesse at all – until the third book… However, the writing was really addictive, Stephanie. Which is why I couldn’t put the book down, even when I was frustrated.
I have heard that the second book is so so but heard that book three is better. So looking forward to your thoughts on that one. I do plan on reading this series though. Great thoughts ladies.
The third book was awesome, Renée! We really, really enjoyed that one. Our review will be up in a couple of weeks 😉
Twitter: Mlsimmons
Sounds like an okay story. I hope the next one is better. Filler books can be hard at times and they usually seem to have that hard punch at the end. I’m glad that you both enjoyed in the end.
It’s really nice to hear your different impressions on the characters and plot. I like when a book has a mystery or some type of action or plot rather than just a romance. Anne – Books of My Heart