Black Friday Book Bonanza Giveaway Hop

Posted 23 November, 2018 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 19 Comments

To all those who observe, we hope you had Happy Thanksgiving! And to all who participate, happy Black Friday shopping! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Lexxie and are I happy to be participating in the 8th Annual Black Friday Book Bonanza Giveaway Hop hosted by Reading Reality and Caffeinated Reviewer. We’re hosting a U.S. only giveaway (from me) AND an International giveaway from Lex. Good luck! And don’t forget to hop over to the other participating blogs for your chance to win there! ๐Ÿ˜‰

EDIT: Lexxie hasn’t been feeling well and so didn’t get around to adding her giveaway to the post. SORRY! I’ve added it now.


U.S. Only Giveaway ~ Mystery Box of Books & Swag

a Rafflecopter giveaway


International Giveaway ~

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here’s my Goodreads shelf for 2018 Favorite books.

Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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19 responses to “Black Friday Book Bonanza Giveaway Hop

  1. We had a lovely Thanksgiving at the In-Laws with most of the extended family- food, fun, and laughter. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity, ladies!

  2. Megan S.

    Maybe I’m just being silly but the international giveaway doesn’t appear for me? ๐Ÿ™‚

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