Series: White Lies Duet

Review: Provocative – Lisa Renee Jones

Review: Provocative – Lisa Renee Jones

Provocative definitely brought its share of provocation, but it also delved deeper than that, to a level where truths were uncovered, and where the suspicions made trust harder than it needed to be… Provocative wasn’t just addictive, it was consuming, and utterly impossible to put down. From start to finish, I was so engrossed in Faith and Nick, and the intricate way their lives were intertwined – even before they met for the first time. Intriguing. Dark. Hopeful. Enticing. The complex characters definitely moved the story of Provocative forward, Nick and Faith each having their chapters where they shared their hopes, their doubts, their guilt and their trust issues. The dual points of view moved the story forward at a […]
