Series: The Scorpius Syndrome

Review: Storm Gathering – Rebecca Zanetti

Review: Storm Gathering – Rebecca Zanetti

Storm Gathering brought with it more action, more tension, more hotness and a strong plot! Story: I was so happy Storm Gathering brought me Maureen’s and Greyson’s story, as they were on the sidelines in Justice Ascending. With every book in the series, a little more about the scorpius syndrome’s mystery is uncovered. And here, some real solutions were found – until the president stepped in to make things difficult for Maureen. Between the Mercs and the Vanguard, Greyson is feeling his loyalties split. And when the president also starts meddling in Greyson’s affairs, things become even more complicated. A lot of the action in Storm Gathering unfolds in the bunker, and there is still a lot to be discovered […]

Posted 6 December, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 8 Comments

Review: Justice Ascending – Rebecca Zanetti

Review: Justice Ascending – Rebecca Zanetti

Justice Ascending is extremely tense, there are traitors in the midst of our heroes, and there is love, betrayal, hope and so much action it’s impossible to sit still while reading! The Scorpius Syndrome is one of my favorite dystopian series – it is really realistic in many ways, and even more so in Justice Ascending. There is a lot of tension, as different factions continue to fight, all the while trying to see if there is any cooperation possible. The president and his elite guard are lurking in the dark, at the outskirts, partly out of reach, but still able to meddle where they aren’t wanted. Of course, some suspension of disbelief is needed, but the fact that there […]

Posted 13 January, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 15 Comments

Review: Shadow Falling – Rebecca Zanetti

Review: Shadow Falling – Rebecca Zanetti

Shadow Falling was just as tense as Mercury Striking, and the characters and the plot moved the story forward flawlessly. The complexity of this dystopian world keeps getting sharper, and I almost had to hold my breath in places. Shadow Falling is the perfect follow-up to Mercury Striking, I found myself on the edge of my seat more than once, and at one point, my foot cramped because I was so tense about what was going on. Vinnie had been through hell, and she had the nightmares to prove it! The fact that she was still able to get up in the morning, show empathy, and try to help the people who had saved her said a lot about her […]


Review: Mercury Striking – Rebecca Zanetti

Review: Mercury Striking – Rebecca Zanetti

Mercury Striking is a very powerful dystopia suspense novel, where most technology is down, and what is left of humanity is fighting against a horrible bacteria for survival. Fast paced, filled with suspense and distrust, Mercury Striking is among the best dystopia novels I have ever had the pleasure to read! Zanetti managed her world building by sharing the characters’ knowledge little by little, and in this bleak universe, only the very strong and courageous will be able to keep on going. Lynne Harmony has been on the run for a few months, with only one goal in mind – find a way to help people live with the virus without becoming senseless Rippers in the process. And to do […]

Posted 3 February, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 27 Comments