Series: Ivy Chronicles

Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Foreplay ~ Sophie Jordan

Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Foreplay ~ Sophie Jordan

FYI, this review was previously posted on my solo blog waaay back in December of 2013. Since none of you knew me then (except Linda!) I decided to repost the review for this challenge. 🙂   Sophie Jordan has solidified her place on my favorite authors list! Foreplay was brilliant! I’m gonna show my age here but do any of you remember Garth Brooks’ song Unanswered Prayers? (it came out when I was in high school 😉 That could be Pepper’s theme song. Pepper’s life, especially her childhood, was never normal and definitely not safe. When she ends up living with her grandmother, she is befriended by the Montgomery siblings. Lila becomes her best friend and Hunter becomes the man to whom […]
