Series: Guild Hunter

Review: Archangel’s Sun – Nalini Singh

Review: Archangel’s Sun – Nalini Singh

In Archangel’s Sun, an Archangel who is known for being strong, and an artist who is thought to be weak have to fight the reborn together to save the world. Archangel’s Sun in which Singh so totally did it again! I have loved her Guild Hunter series from the start, and even now, after all this time, it keeps getting better with each book! I mean, Brandee, my co-blogger (or blogger-wife) and I face-timed tonight, when I was at around 60% through the novel, and I kept telling her that Titus and Shari were screaming at me to hang up with her and keep up with their story 😉 Shari is the Hummingbird – Illium’s illustrious, artistic, but apparently broken […]

Posted 30 November, 2020 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Review: Archangel’s Viper – Nalini Singh

Review: Archangel’s Viper – Nalini Singh

Archangel’s Viper was a whirlwind of plot, action and feels! Fast paced, with a lot at stake, I was taken for a trip I won’t soon forget. Story: Archangel’s Viper is about Holly and Venom, and the attraction between them. It’s also about the voice Holly hears in her mind, and how she’s grown extremely strong and fast in a short time. She needs discipline, which Venom has in spades. But she needs more than being a fighter, too. Venom and Holly go on a dangerous trip to figure out what is happening to her, and not one, but two Archangels are needed to deal with some of the things that come up on that trip. I loved getting to […]

Posted 19 September, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Review: Archangel’s Heart – Nalini Singh

Review: Archangel’s Heart – Nalini Singh

I loved Archangel’s Heart, both because Raphael and Elena were the main characters, and because we delved into Elena’s past, through her quest for genealogy while they were in Morocco on Cadre business. I don’t know what it is about Singh, but when I read her series – even the ones where there is a lot of trife and fights and uncertainty, I feel comforted when I pick up a new book. Archangel’s Heart is no different, and I loved being immersed in Elena and Raphael’s love once more. The overall feel of this story was quite tense, because the cadre was summoned to Morocco, and the sect that summoned them needed to know whether or not one of the […]

Posted 29 November, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 6 Comments

Audio Review: Archangel’s Enigma – Nalini Singh

Audio Review: Archangel’s Enigma – Nalini Singh

Archangel’s Enigma features one of Raphael’s most enigmatic people, Naasir has been a mystery to me since he first showed up, and it was a delight to get to know him better! My Archangel’s Enigma review: Naasir has a very specific quest in Archangel’s Enigma, he is to get Andromena at the refuge, because the young scholar may be the only one who can help him find a sleeping ancient, one Raphael and his allies need in order to counteract the archangel who tried to start a war by attacking New York a little while ago. Naasir is a very complex character, it’s unknown what species he is, exactly, but he is ever loyal to Raphael and the others who […]

Posted 16 October, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 11 Comments

Review: Archangel’s Shadows – Nalini Singh

Review: Archangel’s Shadows – Nalini Singh

Archangel’s Shadows is a very good instalment in the Guild Hunter series, I really enjoyed that while the main focus was on Ash and Janvier, other characters were involved and got quite a bit of ‘screen-time’ as well. My Archangel’s Shadows review: I’m not sure who I loved the most in Archangel’s Shadows, Ash or Janvier. Ash is a strong woman, a hunter who knows how to fight, how to be cunning, and how to keep a sexy vampire at arm’s length. Janvier with his sexy Cajun French, his strong feelings for Ash and all his skills isn’t half bad, either. And because Ash is adamant to not fall for Janvier – even though she may have already fallen – […]


Review: Archangel’s Legion – Nalini Singh

Review: Archangel’s Legion – Nalini Singh

In Archangel’s Legion, the love between Raphael and Elena became an epiphany! I knew there was love with them, but here, that love was just so strong and beautiful it made the story epic in a very different way. My Archangel’s Legion review: Between the undeniable love and respect between Elena and Raphael, and all the troubles bestowed upon them, Archangel’s Legion was a thrilling read from start to finish. Thrilling both because of the incredible chemistry between the main characters, and because of the fights they had to engage in on many different levels. The story is fast paced, and all my favorite characters from the Guild Hunter series – both those I love and those I love to […]


Review: Angel’s Dance (Guild Hunter #0.1) – Nalini Singh

Review: Angel’s Dance (Guild Hunter #0.1) – Nalini Singh

Angel’s Dance is a short but very hot prequel in the Guild Hunter series. Galen is a warrior angel who is applying for a position as weapons master with Raphael, and to show his worth he first has to help out in the refuge. As soon as he arrives, he notices Jessamy, the smallish angel with a bended and twisted wing – the angel who can’t fly. As Jessamy and Galen get to know each other, they both realize that the other is just as lonely as they are themselves. Angel’s Dance is a beautifully written romance between two broken angels, who are weighing the pros and the cons to see if it might be worth it to trust someone […]

Posted 14 August, 2013 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 0 Comments