Series: Fixed

Review ~ Found in You ~ Laurelin Paige

Review ~ Found in You ~ Laurelin Paige

  I seriously read Found in You with my gut churning, just waiting for that “thing” I knew was going to happen to happen. And when it did… Here’s thing though: I get a little annoyed with characters who cause themselves trouble because they don’t communicate. I understand the why behind it in this case but I still found it annoying. What I found amazing was Ms. Paige’s ability to develop these characters that seemed innocuous on the surface and yet I *KNEW* I couldn’t trust them. Found in You is really all about trust. Hudson and Laynie are still working at building that between them and boy do they have a lot of forces against them…the biggest of those […]

Posted 11 September, 2018 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 19 Comments