Series: Alien Abduction

Review: Heroic Abduction – Eve Langlais

Review: Heroic Abduction – Eve Langlais

Purple, strong, hot alien meets headstrong human female who is always ready for a new adventure in Heroic Abduction. My Heroic Abduction review: Dyre is very different from the other purple aliens I’ve come to know through the Alien Abduction series! He’s a mercenary who wants to be a hero, and that brings about many humorous situations in Heroic Abduction. With his inner musings commenting everything from how Betty looks to what he’d rather have her eat instead of her pizza, I was howling with laughter more than once! Traveling through the galaxies searching for one of Betty’s human friends, Dyre, Betty and Zista come into lots of difficult situations where Dyre can prove just how heroic he is. Expect […]

Posted 17 December, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 6 Comments