Publisher: Lavabrook Publishing LLC

Buddy Read Chat Review ~ Famine ~ Laura Thalassa

Buddy Read Chat Review ~ Famine ~ Laura Thalassa

Once again, I had the pleasure of buddy reading with my friend, Nadene. We’re working our way through the The Four Horseman series, by Laura Thalassa. This time we read Famine and it was a 4.5 Star read for us both. You can read this review and others on Nadene’s blog, Totally Addicted to Reading. Enjoy!   Famine wasn’t what I was expected even if I didn’t know what I was expecting. I appreciate the way LThalassa has given each of the Horsemen such distinct personalities depending on their powers and the things they’ve experienced in their human forms. Because of something Famine endured, he’s very angry with and unforgiving of humans. And it’s his anger and brutal tendencies that […]


Buddy Read Chat Review ~ War ~ Laura Thalassa

Buddy Read Chat Review ~ War ~ Laura Thalassa

I’m so thrilled to have had the chance to buddy read with my friend, Nadene, again. We’re continuing the Four Horsemen series, this time reading book #2, War. You can read this review and others are Totally Addicted to Reading.   Okay, before I even cracked open my kindle to start War, I know it had BIG shoes to fill. We both loved Pestilence and were more than eager to continue the series but I was nervous. What if I didn’t like it as well? It turns out I needn’t have worried. 😉 What about you? Any pre-reading jitters? Yes! I had pre-reading jitters. I figured War would be hardcore and I expected the scenes to violent. The thing foremost […]
