Publisher: Gallery Books

Review: Sweet Ruin – Kresley Cole

Review: Sweet Ruin – Kresley Cole

Sweet Ruin continues the saga of the immortals who mostly haunt New Orleans, and I have to say that Rune and Josie’s story was both touching and sweet, with lots of action, and even more nostalgia. I’m not sure why I have kept Sweet Ruin hidden on my kindle for so long! But I’m very happy to have read it now – so that I’ll be ready to delve into Immortals After Dark #17 in January next year… This is a series with an extremely well done mythology, and I am always in awe when I read a new installment. The stories are also character-driven, with a solid story and an overall plot that spans over several books in the […]

Posted 19 October, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 27 Comments

Review : The Woman in Cabin 10 – Ruth Ware

Review : The Woman in Cabin 10 – Ruth Ware

The Woman in Cabin 10 is a tightly written psychological thriller where part of the action happens on a small cruise boat… and it’s a chilling and sharp tale. Lo is one of those very flawed characters whom it’s impossible not to love. The Woman in Cabin 10 is a complex tale, where, after waking up to a burglar in her home, Lo gets the possibility to go on a luxury cruise for her work. Writing about how the rich and famous do vacation in the ice-cold waters off the coast of Norway. There’s a bit of a mystery surrounding Lo, she seems to be holding back -both in the narration and with her boyfriend whom she’s been with for […]


Review: Relativity – Antonia Hayes

Review: Relativity – Antonia Hayes

Relativity is a gem! Ethan is an amazing tween, smart, open-minded and extremely attaching. His story is complicated, and filled with equal measures of heartache and hope. I didn’t really know what to expect when I started Relativity, such a strong, heart-wrenching story was not it, though. That’s what I got – Ethan was such a great main character to follow. He’s young, but very wise, and so smart! Some of the things he talked about went way over my head, but I still never felt stupid. Since he was a baby, Ethan has lived with his mom, Claire, and they have done really well for themselves. Even with Ethan’s problems – which in many ways won’t really be problems […]


Review: What Was Mine – Helen Klein Ross

Review: What Was Mine – Helen Klein Ross

What Was Mine was a strong story, touching on a very difficult subject, made even more difficult because it followed the baby who was kidnapped, her biological mother, and the woman who raised her (after kidnapping her). There were a lot of things I really enjoyed in What Was Mine, and one of them was that the author actually managed to make me understand, and partly even feel sorry for, Lucy. After years of trying to get pregnant, Lucy’s husband decided their lives were just fine without a child, whereas Lucy continued to long for a baby with everything she had! This difference of opinion ended their marriage, and Lucy lived alone in their house in New Jersey for a […]

Posted 22 January, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Review: The Art of Sinning – Sabrina Jeffries

Review: The Art of Sinning – Sabrina Jeffries

The Art of Sinning is a delicious tale of forbidden love and attraction, made very tense because of the time it is set in, and I loved every look, pun and touch! My The Art of Sinning review: One of the things I love about historical romance novels is that the attraction between the hero and the heroine often has to be hidden, because women in those times weren’t supposed to actually be attracted to anyone. The tension between Jeremy and Yvette was strong from the start, and their verbal sparring made me almost squee with delight! The Art of Sinning unfolds like a flower in spring sunshine, a little hesitantly at first, then suddenly there is a full bloom […]

Posted 24 November, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 22 Comments

Review: The Drafter – Kim Harrison

Review: The Drafter – Kim Harrison

The Drafter is a fast-paced story, in a world I would never want to live in! Peri is a very strong character, but so many people are trying to take advantage of her, leaving her with less memories of who she is, and what she’s been doing. My The Drafter review: The Drafter shows how hard life is for Peri, and how much she has to trust her anchor to bring back the right pieces of her memory after a draft. The way she is able to shift time to change some details, and leave everyone apart from Jack none the wiser. When an assignment goes slightly wrong, she has lost memories of the pas six months, and she is […]


Review: The Canterbury Sisters – Kim Wright

Review: The Canterbury Sisters – Kim Wright

The Canterbury Sisters is a tale of eight women, walking the Canterbury trail from London to the Cathedral in Canterbury, following in Chaucer’s steps, each sharing their stories, searching for redemption and a reason to keep on. My The Canterbury Sisters review: The Canterbury Sisters isn’t the first book about pilgrimage I have absolutely loved. I think that taking the time to go on a specific walk, think about our life, our choices, how to continue moving forward is something very special. And I would really like to do my own pilgrimage one day. Just to be away from the stress of daily life, away from electronics, one with myself and my thoughts and beliefs. It is something that definitely […]


Review: Monday’s Lie – Jamie Mason

Review: Monday’s Lie – Jamie Mason

Monday’s Lie is a finely woven psychological thriller, where all the action happens through Dee’s eyes, the chilling, the doubting, the spying… My Monday’s Lie review: What was the most enjoyable to me in Monday’s Lie wasn’t the suspense, the waiting, the spying or Dee’s brilliant deductive mind, it was the writing! It’s so vivid, using different metaphors, daring to go a little outside the conventional boundaries of a psychological thriller to simply show the readers the changes in Dee’s life, through her own eyes. From the very start, I was captivated by Dee’s inner musing and recollections of various encounters, dialogues and places. Riveted to the screen of my kindle by the mystery unfolding, even when Dee didn’t want […]

Posted 12 February, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 11 Comments

Review: How the Scoundrel Seduces – Sabrina Jeffries

Review: How the Scoundrel Seduces – Sabrina Jeffries

*I received a free ARC of How the Scoundrel Seduces from Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* How the Scoundrel Seduces might just be my favorite Dukes Men story yet! Tristan is as wonderfully rakish and devilishly honest as I remember, and Zoe is one of the most pesky heroines I have ever encountered. My How the Scoundrel Seduces review: Sabrina Jeffries certainly continues to enchant me, because How the Scoundrel Seduces enchanted me, both the storyline, the plot and the characters drew me in from the first sentence, and I stayed glued to my kindle for all these pages, always wanting to know what would happen next. As usual, the language is really […]

Posted 13 August, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 4 Comments

Review: Dark Skye – Kresley Cole

Review: Dark Skye – Kresley Cole

*I received a free ARC of Dark Skye from Gallery Books via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* WOW Dark Skye is an awesome installment in the Immortals After Dark series! And can I just say character growth? My Dark Skye review: Thronos and Leanthe have such a complicated relationship it’s a wonder they actually even talked to each other at all. Dark Skye seemingly threw them together at a very inopportune time, but of course, soothsayer Nyx had something to do with that, and she showed up more than once to my utter enchantment. Thronos having searched for Leanthe for centuries made me really feel for him, even if he also acted like an ass for a long […]
