Genre: Romance

Review: Home to Whiskey Creek (Whiskey Creek #4) – Brenda Novak

Review: Home to Whiskey Creek (Whiskey Creek #4) – Brenda Novak

*I received a free ARC of Home to Whiskey Creek from Harelquin MIRA via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* Home to Whiskey Creek deals with a heavier subject matter than the prior books in the series, and they weren’t all light and fluffy either! Adelaide can’t forget the graduation party that destroyed her faith in guys, and changed her life forever. Even by staying away from Whiskey Creek for thirteen years, she is weary being back – with good reason. Noah is out mountain biking when he hears a shout for help from the old mine. If there’s one place he wants to stay far away from, it’s the mine, where his brother died thirteen years ago in […]


Review: Losing Hope (Hopeless #2) – Colleen Hoover

Review: Losing Hope (Hopeless #2) – Colleen Hoover

*I received a free ARC of Losing Hope from Atria Books via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* Holder has been losing hope ever since that fatal day when he watched his little neighbor walk towards a car and leave with a stranger. After a news cast dubbed him ‘the boy who lost Hope’ his family stopped watching the news all together. Colleen Hoover has another masterpiece with Losing Hope. All the while showing the readers Holder’s inner thoughts and sharing some of the same moments that we know from Hopeless, there are things happening both before and after the narrative of Hopeless, and there are things Holder did that Sky never knew about, so there was a lot […]


Review: One Tiny Lie (Ten Tiny Breaths #2) – K. A. Tucker

Review: One Tiny Lie (Ten Tiny Breaths #2) – K. A. Tucker

*I received a free ARC of One Tiny Lie from Atria Books via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* One Tiny Lie starts with Kayce and Oliva sitting on the deck, discussing mundane things, until Kaye asks Olivia if she’d be willing to talk to Dr. Stayner on the phone. Kayce is telling Olivia how worried she is about her – and Olivia can’t understand why anyone at all would be worried about her! She’s a straight A student, never drinks, doesn’t swear, stays clear of boys and helps little children. Her dream ever since she was nine years old is to go to Princeton, get into pre-med and become a pediatric oncologist. There is nothing at all wrong […]


Review: Heart of Obsidian (Psy-Changeling #12) – Nalini Singh

Review: Heart of Obsidian (Psy-Changeling #12) – Nalini Singh

Heart of Obsidian may just be my favorite book in the Psy-Changeling series. I loved learning more about Kaleb, and Sahara was totally awesome as well. The overall plot of the series moved along very nicely as well, and we even found out who the Ghost is! The intricate relationships between some of the psy and the changeling packs, as well as the war with pure-psy continued, and there were quite a few things that caught me completely off guard. Heart of Obsidian starts really strong! With Kaleb kidnapping a woman out of a high security place, and for once, he actually brings someone to his home outside of Moscow. It is unclear at first why he takes the woman, […]


Review: Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths #1) – K. A. Tucker

Review: Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths #1) – K. A. Tucker

Yeah, even the readers need to think about breathing while reading Ten Tiny Breaths, that’s for sure. Between forgetting to breathe in places because I just wanted Kacey to be OK, and not being able to breathe because I was ugly-crying so hard it was impossible I figure the title is one of the more apt titles I’ve seen in a long time! Ten Tiny Breaths start with Kayce and Olivia fleeing their aunt and uncle’s house with only one suitcase each, after their uncle had come into Olivia’s room during the night, acting inappropriately. Kacye swore she would take care of her sister, making sure she could finish high-school and live her dream by going to Princeton just like […]


Review: Cowboy Come Home – Eve Gaddy

Review: Cowboy Come Home – Eve Gaddy

*I received a free ARC of Cowboy Come Home from Belle Bridge Books via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* Cowboy Come Home is a sweet contemporary romance filled with complications for the two protagonists, Jake Rollins and Anna Connor. They were childhood sweethearts, and had been all set to get married when Jake left town to become a professional in the rodeo circuit. Anna knows very well that things can become complicated very fast, and while she is hoping Jake is a lot less charming now than he was when he was twenty, she goes about her life trying to ignore him. Anna has been widowed for a few years when Jake comes back, but she has no […]


Review: Dare You To (Pushing the Limits #2) – Katie McGarry

Review: Dare You To (Pushing the Limits #2) – Katie McGarry

*I received a free ARC of Dare You To from Harlequin Teen via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review* In Dare You To, the readers follow Beth, from Pushing the Limits, and Ryan who lives in Graveton. Beth’s uncle, Scott, gets custody of her after she is arrested – only to protect her mom –  and moves her to his huge mansion in the country. Beth wants nothing to do with Scott, nor his money and big mansion. He abandoned her when life got tough, and she can’t find it in herself to forgive him. Nothing has been easy in Beth’s life since that fatal night when she was eight years old and snitched on her father after he […]


Review: Head over Heels – Cindy Procter-King

Review: Head over Heels – Cindy Procter-King

*I received a free ARC of Head over Heels from Amber Quill Press LLC via Netgalley in exhcange of an honest review* Head over Heels is a contemporary romance, featuring Magee (whose name we’re told how to pronounce several times…) and Justin. The story starts with Justin’s girlfriend Tina breaking up with him, because she wants marriage, babies and the whole package after dating him for six months. As Tina and Justin had talked about what they wanted from this relationship when they met, Justin is completely taken aback, because he had been very open about building his business first, and not marrying for several years. However, the weekend following the break-up he’s meeting with some very important potential clients, […]


Review: The Other Side of Us – Sarah Mayberry

Review: The Other Side of Us – Sarah Mayberry

When I picked up The Other Side of Us for free on amazon, I thought I’d get a light, slick romance. Something hot that would just take a couple of hours to read, then be forgotten… What I got was a profound story about two broken characters, a beautiful narrative about hope, fighting for your life, and love. I fell in love with both Oliver and MacKenzie, they were both trying to patch their lives back together, and their first meeting really didn’t go well. However, they were both willing to look past that first meeting, and when they started to get to know each other they realized that having someone they could share their doubts and dreams with was […]


Review: Tight Quarters (Strangers on a Train) – Samantha Hunter

Review: Tight Quarters (Strangers on a Train) – Samantha Hunter

Tight Quarters is the fourth story I have read in the Strangers on a Train series by different authors. It is quite different from the other books in this series, because the characters, Reid and Brenna, both have something difficult to deal with. Brenna has difficulties just boarding the train, and when Reid follows her all the way to her berth, she almost flips out. She uses her key to open the door, then close it behind her. When Reid then proceeds to open the door with his own key, she hides in a corner, and has no idea what to do. For just one person, the berth has more than enough room, but put a bulky ex-cop in there […]
