Genre: Memoir

Can You Read a Series in a Month? Challenge Review ~ 44 Chapters About 4 Men ~ BB Easton #SeriesinaMonth

Can You Read a Series in a Month? Challenge Review ~ 44 Chapters About 4 Men ~ BB Easton #SeriesinaMonth

Can I read a series in a month? Well, the answer is “No”. In my defense, May has been one heckuva crazy month for me. I did manage to read 1.5 books in BB Easton’s 44 Chapters series but I only completed the first one. Sigh. Hopefully I’ll do better next time! 😉   44 Chapters About 4 Men was a wonderful introduction to the style and humor of Easton. Seriously, she says this is a memoir and yet it feels like fiction. But as the saying goes, “truth is stranger than fiction” and in this case, that saying applies. The book details the four “loves” of Easton’s life and how she uses the first 3 in an attempt to […]


Review ~ Educated ~ Tara Westover

Review ~ Educated ~ Tara Westover

How many of you are educated? Can you imagine being denied an education? Something many of us take for granted, I know. Educated tells the story of a girl who was denied her right to an education. A girl who grew up fearing the government and, to a large extent, her own father. It’s also the story of how this girl persevered in order to earn the education she longed for despite the cost, and I don’t mean monetarily. Tara Westover’s story of being educated is disturbing, thought-provoking, and inspiring. Growing up in a Mormon family, in rural Idaho, she believed she didn’t have many options in life. She believed she’d marry, have kids, and live on a piece of […]


Audio Review ~ From Mom to Me Again ~ Melissa Shultz

Audio Review ~ From Mom to Me Again ~ Melissa Shultz

While not everything applied to me, From Mom to Me Again offered some good advice for the transition from mom to empty-nest parent. Shultz provided tips on starting the transition during my kids’ senior year – so I’m happy I decided to listen to this when I did. She also offered advice on self-care as well as on transitioning your marriage from focusing on parenting back to focusing on being a couple. Take Away Items It’s okay to take time for ME – which is difficult when your focus has been your kids for so long Try doing new things, learning new skills. This not only aids in changing your focus, it also might uncover a new passion. It’s normal […]
