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Buddy Read Review ~ The Deal ~ Elle Kennedy #COYER

Buddy Read Review ~ The Deal ~ Elle Kennedy #COYER

I had the pleasure of buddy reading The Deal with my friend, Nadene. You can check out her review and more at her blog. Here’s our conversation: What were your favourite moments? My favorite moments were any time with Hannah and Garrett sparring But I also loved all the sweet moments: I loved their first get together a studying. I loved how he persuaded her to do the fake date. I loved all the moments where he spent gaining her trust so that she could confide in him and share her story. And I loved when he shared his story with her.   What did you think of the characters? I liked all the characters with the exception of Cass […]

Posted 22 December, 2022 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 16 Comments