Icon Tag: Thriller

Review: Just Fall – Nina Sadowsky

Review: Just Fall – Nina Sadowsky

Just Fall is a dark, mysterious psychological thriller where the characters go to extreme lengths to hide what horrors they are capable of. Just Fall is a well done psychological thriller where the layers of the story, and the layers of the characters are slowly unpeeled, until only the dark, ugly horror is left for the world to see. Told in several different points of views, and from both the past and the present, the story unfolds in a way that makes it hard to put the book down. At the beginning, it read as something between a love story and a horror story, where one of the main characters, Ellie, is observed by an external narrator who is speculating […]


Review: He Will Be My Ruin – K.A. Tucker

Review: He Will Be My Ruin – K.A. Tucker

It took me a while to get words to explain the brilliance that is He Will Be My Ruin! This suspense / mystery / psychological thriller is well done, with a complex plot, and fleshed out characters. I’ve been a Tucker fan for a long time, and I have to say, her branching out to mystery and thriller like He Will Be My Ruin was a great move! She managed to keep the suspense going, and I was seriously out of breath several times, especially when Maggie was starting to have a panic attack. The beginning was very sad and nostalgic, because Maggie came to New York not to spend time with her best friend Celine, but to pack up […]

Posted 2 February, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 26 Comments