Icon Tag: Dark

Review: Wicked Bond – Sawyer Bennett

Review: Wicked Bond – Sawyer Bennett

Wicked Bond is (finally) Bridger’s story – and man, he’s had a tough life! But then again, most of the characters in this series have a dark, dark past, but still cannot help but hope for a bright future. Bridger’s backstory might be the darkest and most difficult to read about in the whole series! Wicked Bond showed how he was bound – to his past and the abuse he had suffered. How that colored so many of his decisions and relationships in the present. Maggie’s story was bleak as well, especially with how she arrived at Bridger’s doorstep and the fight she still had in front of her at that moment. For Bridger to feel something real about a […]

Posted 5 December, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Review: Last Kiss Goodnight – Gena Showalter

Review: Last Kiss Goodnight – Gena Showalter

Last Kiss Goodnight is very melancholy in some ways, and it also truly angered me in other ways! Well written, with multi-faceted characters and an overall plot that was masterfully executed. I’m not sure why I haven’t read Last Kiss Goodnight until now – it’s been on my kindle more or less since it was released, and I was a huge fan of the Alien Huntress series, and I knew that this is a sort of spin-off series set in the same universe with some characters showing up. And wow, I was completely transported to another place, where aliens and humans live together, but not necessarily in harmony. I was both elated by the romance and the pure heart some […]

Posted 28 November, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 6 Comments

Review: Just Fall – Nina Sadowsky

Review: Just Fall – Nina Sadowsky

Just Fall is a dark, mysterious psychological thriller where the characters go to extreme lengths to hide what horrors they are capable of. Just Fall is a well done psychological thriller where the layers of the story, and the layers of the characters are slowly unpeeled, until only the dark, ugly horror is left for the world to see. Told in several different points of views, and from both the past and the present, the story unfolds in a way that makes it hard to put the book down. At the beginning, it read as something between a love story and a horror story, where one of the main characters, Ellie, is observed by an external narrator who is speculating […]


Review: Acting Brave – Helena Newbury

Review: Acting Brave – Helena Newbury

Jasmine definitely did act brave, even when she thought herself she wasn’t brave at all! Acting Brave is a very strong ending to Newbury’s Fenbrook Academy series, filled with emotions – both good and bad, I both laughed, cried, and swooned! – and amazing characters. The third instalment in Newbury’s Fenbrook Academy series fulfilled me – I loved Jasmine as a character, even if I found her hard to ‘get’ in the prior novels where she was a side character. When I got to know her better, I understood so well why she often seemed aloof and a bit detached, she really had to be to protect both herself and her friends. She came from a very difficult past, and […]


Review: Rock – J.A. Huss

Review: Rock – J.A. Huss

My mind is blown! Completely, utterly blown. Rock is even more twisted than Huss’ other stories, and I was riveted to my kindle today, unable to stop reading until I got to the bottom of all the mysteries. Huss definitely blew me away with this story! Until the very end, I had no idea what was going on, or what would happen next, and I was just as anxious as Rock was to figure things out. There was so much heartache and darkness, but at the same time, RK was so driven. He was filled with red-hot anger at the beginning, and he really didn’t understand what was going on. And I didn’t either. However, I was immediately drawn into […]


Review: Relentless Rhythm – Michelle Mankin

Review: Relentless Rhythm – Michelle Mankin

Relentless Rhythm is the darkest and saddest story in the Tempest series by far! Dizzy amazed me, and April had an inner strength as well my heart swelled for these two characters, and Mankin frankly outdid herself. In the earlier stories about rock band Tempest, Dizzy was mostly in the background, seen with different girls, but never the same girl twice. In Relentless Rhythm, it seemed he had finally set his eyes on a woman, but of course, it was a woman he couldn’t have. As Dizzy’s past unfolded, I was so sad for him, it was so heartbreaking. And he still seemed so calm and controlled on the surface, never really caring about much, doing his thing, playing his […]

Posted 29 February, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 7 Comments

Review: Captivating Bridge – Michelle Mankin

Review: Captivating Bridge – Michelle Mankin

Captivating Bridge broke my heart into a thousand pieces, and it even did it more than once! War… so lost and sad and lonely, and Shaina, equally lost, but strong and full of love. The two of them together could have either completely tanked or become stronger than a diamond! I started reading Captivating Bridge ready to hate War and not really enjoy his story all that much. He was volatile in the earlier stories in the Tempest series, and I thought he acted like a jerk more often than not – both with his band-mates and with his girlfriend and the groupies. In this story, though, he was ready to just let go and not try to fight another […]

Posted 16 February, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 14 Comments

Review: He Will Be My Ruin – K.A. Tucker

Review: He Will Be My Ruin – K.A. Tucker

It took me a while to get words to explain the brilliance that is He Will Be My Ruin! This suspense / mystery / psychological thriller is well done, with a complex plot, and fleshed out characters. I’ve been a Tucker fan for a long time, and I have to say, her branching out to mystery and thriller like He Will Be My Ruin was a great move! She managed to keep the suspense going, and I was seriously out of breath several times, especially when Maggie was starting to have a panic attack. The beginning was very sad and nostalgic, because Maggie came to New York not to spend time with her best friend Celine, but to pack up […]

Posted 2 February, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 26 Comments