Icon Tag: Challenge

Review : Dream Magic – Michelle Mankin

Review : Dream Magic – Michelle Mankin

Dream Magic is the stunning second instalment in Mankin’s Magic series. The paranormal world the story unfolds in is complex, with characters that are multi-faceted and enticing. I loved Strange Magic, and I’m happy to say that Dream Magic is even better! The world was expanded, and all the characters showed other facets of themselves than they did in the first book. With the intricacies of both the universe and the mythology, Mankin managed to bring her characters to the next level, while keeping me on the edge of my seat for the duration of the story at the same time. I loved that the first part of the book included several new to me characters, while those I had […]


Review: The Sudden Appearance of Hope – Claire North

Review: The Sudden Appearance of Hope – Claire North

The Sudden Appearance of Hope is a fascinating novel, intricate, complex, and beautifully written. Are we still real if nobody else knows us? The Sudden Appearance of Hope is dubbed as a fantasy, but I think it’s much closer to contemporary, with some light paranormal elements in some ways. Hope Arden is the girl / woman you’ll never know you met! From when she was 16 years old, people would forget her almost as soon as they looked somewhere else, and it was almost as if she didn’t exist at all. Both the story and the prose are very particular, and the peculiarity is one of the things that won me over and made me feel like there was more […]


Review: 5 to 1 – Holly Bodger

Review: 5 to 1 – Holly Bodger

5 to 1 has an amazing premise, however, more than being about women in power, it was about someone abusing power in a society that had opposite values from the patriarchal one. The prose (and the verse) in 5 to 1 was beautiful, but the story didn’t really carry its own weight in my opinion. It was as if the society and how it works in some countries today – one child policy, a very strong want for sons, women being at the mercy of the men in their family – was just turned upside down. And that made the story less relevant to me – because it didn’t really ask any important questions, it just showed us what is […]


Review: Discovering You – Brenda Novak

Review: Discovering You – Brenda Novak

Discovering You is just as much about self-discovery as it is about discovering other people and getting to know them. Strong characters made the story move forward. If you’re familiar with Novak’s Whiskey Creek series, you know all about the Amos bad-boy brothers – how they aren’t necessarily as bad as some people make them out to be, because they’re hard-working, loyal and open for love if it ever comes their way. Discovering You is about India, who has just moved to Whiskey Creek, and her frequent encounters with Rod. India has been through a pretty horrible year, and it seems her ordeal is not completely over yet. Between what India thinks she needs, and what her heart wants – […]


Review: Sugar Daddy – Sawyer Bennett

Review: Sugar Daddy – Sawyer Bennett

Sugar Daddy is well done! Sela has a lot on her mind, and she is ready to do what it takes to get revenge! Only, Beck kind of throws her for a loop, with his charming personality and how he’s able to give her feelings she never thought she’d ever have. When I started Sugar Daddy, I didn’t think I’d get the hotness factor I received! Sela seemed so set on revenge, I thought there wouldn’t be any kind of connection between her and Beck, but man, I was so wrong! As Beck and Sela got to know each other better – both in bed and out of it – their relationship became something Sela could count on. And she […]


Review: Tell the Wind and Fire – Sarah Rees Brennan

Review: Tell the Wind and Fire – Sarah Rees Brennan

Tell the Wind and Fire made me believe in Rees Brennan’s brilliant story-telling once more! A dark world, in which segregation is paramount, but characters who are willing to bend the borders in order to obtain justice. I loved how Lucie was so strong in many ways, mostly perceptive, too, but that she was still somehow at a loss when it came to some people. Tell the Wind and Fire starts out with a day at a beach, where Ethan and Lucie can sunbathe, spend time together and just be a young couple in love. The day doesn’t end on the same kind of sweet note, though, as the couple misses their train, and have to take on that isn’t […]


Blogtour Review : Golden Dancer – Tara Lain

Blogtour Review : Golden Dancer – Tara Lain

Golden Dancer has some very strong characters that move the story forward in different ways, and I loved that there is a ballet dancer involved! Between Mac, the investigative reporter, Trelain, the Russian ballet dancer, and Daniel, the philanthropic billionaire who may or may not be a thief, Golden Dancer was filled with mystery, attraction and quite a bit of tension. And because both Daniel and Mac were interested in Trelain, the story moved forward in a way where it was impossible to see where things would go. Especially because Mac was sure that Daniel had stolen a dancer statue by using the help of a hacker. The mystery and the evident attraction between the three men were tangible, and […]


Review: Wicked Need – Sawyer Bennett

Review: Wicked Need – Sawyer Bennett

Wicked Need is HOT! And it’s also very tender. And there’s some danger and quite a bit of self-doubt. With Wicked Need, Bennett took the tension and the hotness up yet another notch! I felt both sorry for Cat, and was angry at her expense because of what she’d been through with her old-ass husband, and things didn’t exactly get better for her once he kicked the bucket, either. And I was so surprised by Rand’s knight in shining armour complex! He seemed so detached in the prior books in the Wicked Horse series, I wasn’t sure he had it in him to be so caring, even if I knew he wasn’t judgemental! He was the perfect champion for Cat, […]


Review: Relativity – Antonia Hayes

Review: Relativity – Antonia Hayes

Relativity is a gem! Ethan is an amazing tween, smart, open-minded and extremely attaching. His story is complicated, and filled with equal measures of heartache and hope. I didn’t really know what to expect when I started Relativity, such a strong, heart-wrenching story was not it, though. That’s what I got – Ethan was such a great main character to follow. He’s young, but very wise, and so smart! Some of the things he talked about went way over my head, but I still never felt stupid. Since he was a baby, Ethan has lived with his mom, Claire, and they have done really well for themselves. Even with Ethan’s problems – which in many ways won’t really be problems […]


Review: A Walk in the Sun – Michelle Zink

Review: A Walk in the Sun – Michelle Zink

A Walk in the Sun made me feel the feels! Rose was a strong, young woman, one who didn’t realize her strength until the end of the story One of the main themes of A Walk in the Sun is how grief can change us! Our outlook on life, our plans, our wants even, up to a point, our needs. After Rose’s mother passed away, her father became a shell of his former self, and the only person left to take care of the ranch, the animals and the house – on top of finishing high school – was Rose. She worked herself hard, and while she was tired more often than not, she also felt some kind of satisfaction […]
