Author: R. K. Lilley

Series Review : Tristan & Danika – R. K. Lilley

Series Review : Tristan & Danika – R. K. Lilley

Bad Things shows just how bad things can come when love can’t conquer all. Gripping story with characters who broke my heart. The whole Tristan & Danika series is set in the same universe as Lilley’s Up in the Air series. And I was intrigued by Tristan and Danika’s story from when they first showed up there. Bad Things starts withe Danika and Tristan’s meeting, their incredible chemistry, and how Danika did her best to resist his bad-boy charm. At first, their story was all about falling in love, but as Bad Things unfolded, nothing was easy for them. Danika needed stability, and Tristan was anything but stable. He loved Danika with all his heart, but when things became difficult […]

Posted 24 September, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 4 Comments

Series Review: Up in the Air – R. K. Lilley

Series Review: Up in the Air – R. K. Lilley

In Flight is a light story, but heavy on the BDSM, with characters that kept their distance emotionally, even from me… In Flight is the first story in Up in the Air, and I was quite intrigued by the way Bianca observed James and vice versa. James appeared like a man who knew what he wanted, and then went after it. Bianca was cool and collected – except when it came to James. Between flirting and trying to get Bianca’s phone number during the flight, and then working, James was distant, but still observant. The interactions between the flight attendants made me smile, as they were bound to be tight-knit, at least during their flights. Bianca and her paintings definitely […]

Posted 10 September, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 9 Comments