Author: Laurelin Paige

Review ~ Found in You ~ Laurelin Paige

Review ~ Found in You ~ Laurelin Paige

  I seriously read Found in You with my gut churning, just waiting for that “thing” I knew was going to happen to happen. And when it did… Here’s thing though: I get a little annoyed with characters who cause themselves trouble because they don’t communicate. I understand the why behind it in this case but I still found it annoying. What I found amazing was Ms. Paige’s ability to develop these characters that seemed innocuous on the surface and yet I *KNEW* I couldn’t trust them. Found in You is really all about trust. Hudson and Laynie are still working at building that between them and boy do they have a lot of forces against them…the biggest of those […]

Posted 11 September, 2018 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 19 Comments

Review ~ Fixed on You ~ Laurelin Paige

Review ~ Fixed on You ~ Laurelin Paige

I think I’m glad I didn’t read Fixed on You when it first released because I remember the hype surrounding it and I think it would have ruined Hudson and Laynie’s story for me. Having distance from all that, I enjoyed meeting them and having their story revealed without the hype influencing me. Laynie and Hudson are interesting characters. While I can’t relate to their issues, I can relate to them as two people trying to heal and be better people than they’ve been in the past…two people trying to evolve and move on. Laynie is winning at making herself better. She’s been in therapy and has a shiny, new MBA with plans on how she’ll use it. Hudson, on […]
