Author: Kennedy Daly

New Release Review ~ When the Gods Forget ~ Kennedy Daly

New Release Review ~ When the Gods Forget ~ Kennedy Daly

In When the Gods Forget, my questions from the previous book weren’t really answered. In fact, I came away with even more questions. However, the story was just as action-packed and emotional as its predecessor. Highlights: Characters Teagan is brave, reckless, tenacious, strong, and loyal. I adored her even more in When the Gods Forget because she’s a survivor. She’s endured so much and yet she never gives up. She needed to do a bit of soul searching in this installment and even though she made a few rash decisions – which I can forgive due to her age – I was proud of her for being true to herself and doing the right thing. As for Damian, well he […]


Release Day Chat Review ~ Children of the Forgotten Gods ~ Kennedy Daly #2018NewRelease #COYER

Release Day Chat Review ~ Children of the Forgotten Gods ~ Kennedy Daly  #2018NewRelease #COYER

Thank you so much for turning me onto this book, wifey! It was a fantastic read! It was action-packed with a compelling story and engaging characters. Gah! I FLOVED it! What I need to know is: When is the next one coming?!? Okay, on to the chat… I was hooked from the beginning, and I know you were as well. What was it that drew you straight into this story? I think I was initially drawn in with the action…Daly had me curious from the get-go about Damien. But the characters are what, or rather who, really drew me in. I liked how close-knit they were and I was intrigued with their abilities, their dynamics, and their responsibilities to their […]
