Author: Ilona Andrews

★★★★★ Review: Magic Tides – Ilona Andrews

★★★★★ Review: Magic Tides – Ilona Andrews

Magic Tides has a big change in scenery from other Kate Daniels novels, and it’s fun to see Kate trying to fit in… Magic Tides starts with Kate having a meeting with someone from Conlan’s school. And Kate is not necessarily a happy camper. It’s clear from the beginning that fitting in might not be in the cards for our little family. Then again, did anyone actually believe that was going to happen? I loved how the action started straight away in Magic Tides. And this time, Conlan was kind of the instigator, and Curran needed to have a stern conversation with him about that. The novel was filled with action, new and old characters, the strong bonds between Kate […]

Posted 12 October, 2023 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 3 Comments

ARC Review: Sapphire Flames – Ilona Andrews

ARC Review: Sapphire Flames – Ilona Andrews

Sapphire Flames brings all the magic, the fights, the intrigue, the romance, and the tension I have gotten used to with the Hidden Legacy series! While I would have loved more Nevada and Rogan, I have to say Sapphire Flames still blew me away. Catalina is definitely a worthy heroine, and I loved how she wanted to take care of things herself. Just so that Nevada and Rogan could have a little alone time. The way the Houses tried to move in on her, and take her out made for a lot of action. In Sapphire Flames, I loved how Alessandro tried to find more with Catalina. She resisted all his advances, though, because she knew that people found themselves […]


Review: Wildfire – Ilona Andrews

Review: Wildfire – Ilona Andrews

Wildfire took me on a journey that was extremely fast-paced, filled with action, betrayal, romance, intrigue and a complicated plot. So well done! What else can I say about Wildfire? The character development is awesome. The universe is completely set up. I love Rogan. I also love Nevada. And Nevada’s family. I love all the magic! And the intrigue. As well as the fight scenes. And the action, too. Now this sounds like a poem. But I’m no poet, am I? Wildfire is fast-paced. And it’s so well done! The storyline attractive, and I just want more. Small secrets were revealed. Some big ones as well. And review still sounds like a poem. So I’ll just go with it, then. […]


Review: White Hot – Ilona Andrews

Review: White Hot – Ilona Andrews

White Hot brought some more explanations about the Hidden Legacy universe, and I got to know Nevada, Rogan, and the other characters better. The pace is fast, and there is so much going on. I’m in a magic-induced nirvana right now. I don’t know how the Andrews do it, but White Hot was actually even better than Burn for Me! The character development was awesome, and so was the overall storyline, with parts continuing from the last books, and many new happenings as well. The political intrigue was still going on, and the magic used to undermine the different houses was amazing. Not going to say too much about White Hot, as I don’t want to spoil anything – just […]


Review: Burn for Me – Ilona Andrews

Review: Burn for Me – Ilona Andrews

Oh my goodness! Rogan and Nevada are both characters I became slightly obsessed with at the beginning of Burn for Me, and now, I just know that I have to figure out what is up next. Ilona Andrews did it again – a complete winner! There is something special with stories including magic. When those stories are written by Ilona Andrews, there is even more that is special about them! Burn for Me is a prime example of their excellent writing, world building, character development, story arc, plot and general awesomeness. I don’t really know what more to say than that – it was as close to perfection as the written word can possibly be. Rogan and Nevada are very […]


Review: Magic Binds – Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Binds – Ilona Andrews

Magic Binds has action at break-neck speed, and still managed to be one of the most romantic and sweet installment in the series at the same time! As always, Kate Daniels is epic! Magic Binds moves forward very nicely, and some loose ends are tied up, while new ones are being made. I loved that Kate was doubting things because of her connection with the land. Feeling the magic get stronger, and how it was sometimes difficult to stay human with all that power, and how Curran was able to anchor her when she could have gone completely mad with it. Magic Binds includes Kate and other characters’ trademark humor, some serious hotness, epic battles, a lot of deceit, secrets […]


Review: Sweep in Peace – Ilona Andrews

Review: Sweep in Peace – Ilona Andrews

Andrews did it again! Sweep in Peace took me on a wild ride, and I stayed up until almost 3:30 am to finish reading about Dina and Gertrude Hunt. Sweep in Peace is just as well done and filled with adventure as the first Innkeeper Chronicles was! There is so much going on, and Dina will do everything she can to save her inn, Gertrude Hunt. When an arbitrator shows up to tell her he needs an inn to host some peace talks between three rival species on the planet Nexus, she knows it’s very dangerous, especially when she realizes that all the other Innkeepers told him no. She really needs money, though, and her inn really needs more visitors […]

Posted 14 January, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 24 Comments

Review: Magic Shifts – Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Shifts – Ilona Andrews

Magic Shifts shows how life is for Curran and Kate after they leave the pack, and if you thought things would slow down for them, you were very wrong. My Magic Shifts review: The Kate Daniels series continues to be among the very best there is when it comes to Urban Fantasy, and in my opinion. Kate and Curran are a big part of why I love this so much! From the first book and up until now, the changes they have both gone through, the growth, the maturing – it’s pretty amazing, let me tell you! Curran became the alpha of a pack when he was very young, so he has never really been an adult who didn’t have […]

Posted 27 November, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 16 Comments

Review: Magic Breaks – Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Breaks – Ilona Andrews

Magic Breaks brings a lot of loose ends together, while also opening up a few new cans of worms. Fast-paced and action-filled, but also having that special bond Kate has with the characters she cares for, it was an amazing read. My Magic Breaks review: It’s not exactly a secret that I fell in love with Kate Daniels when I finally started reading these books about a year ago. I had been holding out on Magic Breaks, though, so I could read it back to back with Magic Shifts this summer. And I’m very happy I waited a while, because it was well worth the wait! Both Kate and Curran continue to be one of my favorite paranormal couples! They […]


Review: Magic Slays – Ilona Andrews

Review: Magic Slays – Ilona Andrews

Holy cliffhanger! And what an amazing story Magic Slays was! I love learning more about Kate. Curran is so great I want to purr when he arrives on the page! My Magic Slays review: In Magic Slays, Kate has started her own PI agency, and the first case she and Andrea got was a very strange one, only to be followed by one that was possibly even stranger. The danger was lurking everywhere, and the magic played havoc on Kate’s senses as she had to figure out how wards could completely disappear, both on her crime scene and closer to town. There are many things making these jobs difficult, but as usual, Kate has her eye on the prize – […]
