Author: Devney Perry

Review ~ Indigo Ridge ~ Devney Perry

Review ~ Indigo Ridge ~ Devney Perry

Indigo Ridge is a book I’ve been meaning to read for…well, I guess since before it released. LOL DPerry shared the first chapter in her newsletter and I was hooked. Lucky for me, my friend Nadene recommended it to me during COYER’s Recommend Me a Book Readathon. Winslow “Win” Covington is new in town, a fact everyone in towns continues to remind her of. Win’s grandpa is the town mayor so she’s spent a good bit of time in Quincy but apparently that doesn’t count. Now she’s not only an outsider but she’s also the new Chief of Police. A woman Chief of Police. Another thing to add to her list of faults. Her first night in town, she stops […]

Posted 15 September, 2022 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 5 Comments

Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Tinsel ~ Devney Perry

Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Tinsel ~ Devney Perry

Oh my goodness! Tinsel was the perfect way to wrap up the Lark Cove series. It had all the feels as well as dealing with some heady and familiar topics. Sophia and Dakota made for a unique couple and their story allowed me to finish this series with a contented sigh. 🙂 Sophia is Logan’s youngest sister and I’m not gonna lie, she didn’t initially endear me with her bratty, spoiled diva behavior. However, DPerry pulled off the rare feat of changing my mind about a character. Getting to know Sophia, see her past and how it affected and shaped her, definitely altered my perception of her. She wasn’t the “poor, little rich girl” she pretended to be. Under her […]


Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Tragic ~ Devney Perry

Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Tragic ~ Devney Perry

Tragic is a worthy installment in this series. It packed a lot of feels – laughter, growls, tears – they all made appearances often. Piper and Kaine were magical together and watching them fall for one another was good stuff. We met Piper in Tattered as she’s Logan’s assistant. I knew then she was a character I wanted to get to know better. Her story was worth the wait. She’s moved to Lark Cove for a fresh start following an ugly divorce. Piper’s a fighter, though. Lark Cove is good for Piper and I enjoyed watching her blossom in the sun and fresh mountain air. Her meeting with Kaine was something. LOL These two…well, they were explosive to say the […]


Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Timid ~ Devney Perry

Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Timid ~ Devney Perry

Timid knocked my socks off in a very not timid way! This story was set up in Tattered and I couldn’t wait for Willa and Jackson’s story. And. IT. WAS. AWESOME! Willa Doon was born and raised in Lark Cove. She’s the kind of girl who’s as beautiful on the inside as she it on the outside. She’s also the kind of girl who sits back and takes it all in. She’s, well, shy. But she’s passionate and gives her all to the things that are important to her. When she first laid eyes on Jackson Page she was a goner. Nine years later, she’s still mooning over the man. Everyone in town knows Willa has a thing for Jackson…everyone […]


Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Tattered ~ Devney Perry

Can You Read a Series in a Month? Review ~ Tattered ~ Devney Perry

The first series I’m attempting to read this month is Devney Perry’s Lark Cove series. This is a buddy read with Lenore @Celebrity Readers. The first book in the series is Tattered and although I’d read it previously, it was back in 2019 and I decided to give it a re-read. Here are my thoughts from this time around, some of which are taken from my original review. 🙂   If y’all have been around for a while, you know I’m a sucker for second chance romances. Thea and Logan get a swoon-worthy second chance and I was rooting for them hard. These two initially meet in the hotel bar where Thea works in New York. They both felt an […]


Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Tattered ~ Devney Perry

Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ Tattered ~ Devney Perry

Tattered was a book I chose for Lex and I to read because Devney Perry was attending RAREParis. It’s a book I’m not sure I can adequately do justice to in a review so I’m thankful we’re chatting about it. 😉 I agree! So nice to discover this amazing author – and I’m so happy we co-read, too!   You know I’m a sucker for second chance romances, wifey and the second chance Thea and Logan get is a whopper! 😉 I loved everything about the initial meeting between them to have those set of rules ended up not working for them. For several reasons. But timing wasn’t on their side. Until Logan walks into Thea’s bar in Montana! How […]
