Review: Soldier – Julie Kagawa

Posted 11 April, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 21 Comments

Review: Soldier – Julie KagawaSoldier Series: Talon #3
on 26 April 2016
Pages: 380
5 Stars

The price of freedom is everything.
When forced to choose between safety with the dragon organization Talon and being hunted forever as an outcast, Ember Hill chose to stand with Riley and his band of rogue dragons rather than become an assassin for Talon. She’s lost any contact with her twin brother, Dante, a Talon devotee, as well as Garret, the former-enemy soldier who challenged her beliefs about her human side.
As Ember and Riley hide and regroup to fight another day, Garret journeys alone to the United Kingdom, birthplace of the ancient and secret Order of St. George, to spy on his former brothers and uncover deadly and shocking secrets that will shake the foundations of dragons and dragonslayers alike and place them all in imminent danger as Talon’s new order rises.

Betrayal, pain, action, fights, loyalty, love, hope, strength… Soldier encompassed all of that, and more!

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

With a skillfull pen, Kagawa gave me an amazing story with Soldier. My main feels were of excitement and suspense, with a dash of romance, and possibly regret as well. Ember was torn between her human and dragon side more than ever, and this involved her in a strangely addictive and comprehensible love triangle.

The action was fast-paced, the past tense and third- or first-person narration from various characters’ perspective made sure that all sides of the war were intimately covered. There were more than one twist I never saw coming, and I was completely out of breath by the time Soldier was over.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

We drove on for several more minutes, taking multiple twists and turns, before the car finally shuddered to a halt. Still blindfolded, I was dragged out of the vehicle, led across a cement floor and down a flight of steps.

Except dragons weren’t supposed to feel human emotion.

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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21 responses to “Review: Soldier – Julie Kagawa

  1. eeep I’m so excited for this one!! Although I’ve forgotten too much about the first two books so I’m going to wait until the whole series is out and then do a massive binge-read. ? BUT I LOVE DRAGONS SO MUCH!!

  2. Was this the last installment? I’m thrilled Soldier was such a fantastic read, Lexxie. Kagawa is *still* on my TBR and of course this series is appealing because DRAGONS. 🙂 Nice review, wifey!
    Love you & miss you! {{{BIG HUGS}}}

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