COYER Summer Vacation Update #1

Posted 27 July, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Challenges / 14 Comments

Because reading is better than real life


COYER Summer Vacation Challenge Update #1

Yeah, it’s taken me the practically the whole month of July before doing an update post for the COYER Summer Vacation challenge. What can I say? I’ve been busy reading? Playing with the kids? Staying dry from the rain? Yes to all of those, actually. And I guess I kind of forgot about the updates a little bit, and that just won’t do. I’m not even sure how many books I’ve read for the COYER challenge so far, so here we go.

All the links go straight to the review of the book, and in each review, there are links to the bookpage on Goodreads, Booklikes and Leafmarks.

1) Lockstep by Karl Schroeder. This fantastic Sci-Fi got ★★★★☆  from me. It’s a very complex world, with people frozen in sleep for decades, which makes traveling through the universe possible.

2) Dirty Wings by Sarah McCarry only got ★★☆☆☆ – it was supposed to be a Persephone re-telling, but I didn’t get that at all from the story, there was no real plot either, and the only thing I enjoyed was the friendship between Maia and Cass.

3) Dead Beautiful by Yvonne Woon also only got ★★☆☆☆ as I thought the story was very predictable, and the characters very flat.

4) The Navy SEAL’s E-mail Order Bride by Cora Seton got ★★★★☆ thanks to the very humorous twist to contemporary romance through e-mails and skype.

5) The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith was a solid ★★★★★ as I loved the fresh and cute story, filled with longing as it transported me to faraway places.

6) Dissonance by Erica O’Rourke ★★★★☆ took me on trips across multiverses, with great characters and very complex, but still understandable world-building.

7) Vibrant Food by Kimberley Hasselbrink received ★★★★☆ for the easy to follow recipes, and the fact that the recipes were ordered by season to help with when to get which fruits and vegetables. Gorgeous photos too!

8) You Own Me by Shiloh Walker got ★★★★☆ as well, this contemporary romance had all the anguish and longing and love from a distance I just enjoy too much!

9) Rules of Survival by Jus Accardo is yet another ★★★★☆ because it’s an action-packed read, where Mikayla needs to follow her mom’s rules, just to survive another day. And she can never know whom to trust.

10) The Cowboy Rescues a Bride by Cora Seton got ★★★☆☆ since it showed such contradiction when it came to Fila, and it needed a big dose of suspension of disbelief. The Cowboys from Chance Creek is still an excellent series, though.

These are the COYER reviews I have already posted, and I have seven more already scheduled. I think I’m doing pretty good, since I also reviewed some books I had read before the summer vacation COYER challenge started.

How are you doing on your challenge so far? Please leave me a link so I can come and check it out 🙂

Happy reading.

Lexxie signature (un)Conventional Bookviews





Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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14 responses to “COYER Summer Vacation Update #1

    • The COYER challenge is a bit different from other challenges, as you don’t really have to decide in advance how many books, or which books, you are reading and reviewing.
      I am not at all good at other challenges, so I totally feel you, Jaclyn 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by!

  1. You’re doing fantastic! And you’ve had quite a few good books overall, so that’s good 🙂 I’ve read and reviewed 11 books so far and have 3 more scheduled so far – so it looks like we’re moving at about the same pace. I have two other books that I read during coyer that I’m not posting reviews for until December (holiday reads). Keep it up, you’re doing great 🙂

    • Yes, I have had quite a few good books overall, and 3 stars means that the book was OK to me, so it’s all above average.
      I love being able to include audiobooks for this challenge, since I’m slowly getting into listening to books.
      Thanks for stopping by, Berls 🙂 Have a great Sunday.

    • Oh wow! A dozen challenges? That’s a lot 🙂 I hope they will all help you organize your reading.
      Thanks for stopping by, Jirrine.

  2. WOW! This is just amazing, Lexxie. Reading ten books is hard to achieve considering that you have kiddos, hubby and work to attend to.

    I get you about the rain. It’s also the rainy season here in the Phil. and while I appreciate it during extremely warm days, it can be frustrating at times because you can’t freely go out and have some fun under the sun. And the wet, man…the wet…

    As for me, I’ve only read 2 or 3 books last June. And July was also slow, I only managed to read one and got stuck with a Tarzan retelling. I even have to DNF another book. Yey to me!

    And I am so sad that you weren’t happy with Dead Beautiful. I actually liked it but to each her own. 🙂 At least, you have other wonderful books that compensated for that.

    Congratulations, Lexxie! I know that you can do it! Have a happy Sunday!

    Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens recently posted: Filipiniana Sunday {10} + Book Review: In Over Her Head
    • I know you enjoyed Dead Beautiful, and I’m really glad you did! I guess we can’t agree 100% about every single book we read, eh? That’s OK. I’m glad you had fun with it.

      It’s nice to not have classes now, it makes for a more relaxed stance on everything here at home, and the kids are pretty happy to just hang out, too.

      Thanks for stopping by, Charlotte.

    • Well, school is off for now 🙂 So that really helps – although that also means school is off for the kids. I don’t feel that it’s any different than when I was working, though, but thank you 🙂
      Have a fantastic week, Braine!

  3. I didn’t know you were a mom. ^^ How can you have time to spend time with your kids + read + review + blog stuff?? :O Wow. I heard of this challenges like 2 days ago but I’m still not so sure what it is about…? Although, you seem to do very well and it’s a great heads-up since I totally forgot about The Geography of You and Me and how I loved your review. I’m participating in the LGBT challenge but haven’t read any book for it since I subscribed. 😛 Have to, I guess! Lovely post, Lexxie!

    • Lola, I have four kids aged between 9 and 19! So they’re not really that small anymore, and they are all pretty good at doing their thing, and being responsible 🙂 Also, they know they should leave me alone if I’m squinting at my kindle – only a fire or something otherwise serious is a good enough excuse to disturb my reading time 😉
      I have some LGBT stories I want to read, most of them are ones I picked up during the one month LGBT challenge in May. I’m sure you’ll figure it out, Lola.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. e_e Raining a lot during the summer? Sounds like fun – can you send my way, please? I’ve been getting hot days… and cool ones. Which apparently results into tornadoes usually. *sigh*

    I haven’t read any of the books you listed – currently I’ve been avoiding lots of reading challenges to work on Summer homework. Joy.

    Good luck, Lexxie! 🙂

    Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts recently posted: Chibi Views: Happy Valentine's Slay by Cameron Jace
  5. You are ROCKING this challenge, Lexxie! I was happy to see there were more books that you enjoyed than not on your list. 🙂 I haven’t done near as well with the challenge although I’m not doing too badly. You go, girl! *BIG HUGS*

    Bookworm Brandee recently posted: **Teaser Tuesday ~ #30**

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