Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts #113 – Before I Ever Met You

Posted 4 May, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 6 Comments

Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts #113

Welcome to Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts, an original weekly meme hosted here at (un)Conventional Bookviews. So many of the books I read have food or drinks in them, some I’d love to try, and others I’d never ever want to taste… and I thought it could be interesting and fun to share some food and / or drink quotes…  If you want to participate, you can grab my logo if you’d like, or you can make your own, but please link back to me in your own post.

The idea of Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts is to share a quote with food or drinks that showed up in a recent read, as well as if it’s something you think you’d like or not. Please share the title of the book it happened in, as well as the character who ate or drank the special little something you discovered between the pages of a good read. Please link up beneath, and visit other bloggers who are participating in Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts as well.

This week’s Hungry Hearts quote is from Before I Ever Met You by Karina Halle. I loved the slow romance in this book, it made me all hot and bothered with anticipation 😉 Here, Will is doing his best to seduce Jackie, and they are having a sushi competition.

My Hungry Hearts Quote:

We sit side by side at the bar overlooking the sushi chefs doing their chopping and folding, and start daring each other to eat whatever the other person orders for them. The sushi chefs are having an absolute ball with this. I have to admit, I used to be an adventurous eater when I was young but I lost that palette when I moved, so when Will makes me eat an octopus roll stuffed with fish eggs, I’m nearly sick. Still, I manage to get it down, though it takes a few more cups of sake to do the trick. I try to get Will back with an eel roll but he seems to really enjoy it and instead orders two. Bastard.

Thanks for stopping by today, I look forward to reading your Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts quote. Have a terrific Thursday and don’t forget to link up.

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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6 responses to “Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts #113 – Before I Ever Met You

  1. I’m with Jackie… except no amount of sake could have got the octopus roll down. LOL I’m not really an adventurous eater, either. And Will being smug regardless of what was put in front if him would have had me thinking the same thing. 🙂

  2. This does not sound at all appetizing. I have actually never tried sushi and really have no desire to. It just doesn’t appeal to me and if I were to want to try it I would have to do it alone because my husband would never agree to it. 🙂

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