Publisher: Atria Books

Review: The Year We Turned Forty – Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke

Review: The Year We Turned Forty – Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke

The Year We Turned Forty is a captivating story of friendship, love, choices and living with the consequences of those choices. From the very start, The Year We Turned Forty appealed to me – I’m in my forties, too – because the three main characters, Jessie, Gabriela and Claire were my kind of women. Their close friendship was well done, and I loved that they were all flawed and kept some secrets, even from each other. Apart from the element of them going back in time from their 50th birthday to the day after their 40th birthday, the story is very realistic, and I think the struggles they each had in their lives made a lot of sense. One had […]


Review: Before We Were Strangers – Renée Carlino

Review: Before We Were Strangers – Renée Carlino

Second chance at love *sighs* my favorite trope when it comes to romance, and in Before We Were Strangers, that trope was brought to absolute perfection! I loved that most of the chapters in Before We Were Strangers are from Matt’s perspective, and that I got a good look into the past and what he had with Grace his last year of college, and of his present, where not many things were going the way he wanted them to. After catching a glimpse of Grace at a metro station, seeing her recognize him, and desperately wanting to catch up with her, he finally found a drive to look forward. Scouring metro stations close to the one where he’d seen her, […]

Posted 12 February, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 18 Comments

Review: He Will Be My Ruin – K.A. Tucker

Review: He Will Be My Ruin – K.A. Tucker

It took me a while to get words to explain the brilliance that is He Will Be My Ruin! This suspense / mystery / psychological thriller is well done, with a complex plot, and fleshed out characters. I’ve been a Tucker fan for a long time, and I have to say, her branching out to mystery and thriller like He Will Be My Ruin was a great move! She managed to keep the suspense going, and I was seriously out of breath several times, especially when Maggie was starting to have a panic attack. The beginning was very sad and nostalgic, because Maggie came to New York not to spend time with her best friend Celine, but to pack up […]

Posted 2 February, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 26 Comments

Review: November 9 – Colleen Hoover

Review: November 9 – Colleen Hoover

I don’t even know where to start to share my love for November 9! This author! This book! I’ve gone through all the feels, and now that I just finished reading, tears are falling down my cheeks – and they are both happy and sad at the same time. I have no idea how Hoover does it – but she always writes stories that are just perfect for me. My November 9 review: As soon as I got out of bed on November 10, I checked my kindle to see if my pre-order of November 9 had been delivered yet. And then, I did a happy-dance, made coffee and went outside on my terrasse in my PJ and a thick […]

Posted 11 November, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 37 Comments

Review: Surviving Ice – K. A. Tucker

Review: Surviving Ice – K. A. Tucker

Surviving Ice was fantastic! Suspense, romance, danger, a very cool tattoo artist and a former SEAL who didn’t know how far the company he was working for took some matters. My Surviving Ice review: Surviving Ice was so intense, especially because it started right in the middle of the action – Ivy witnessed her uncle being killed, and she had to hide underneath a desk in order to stay undetected herself! If you have read the prior stories in Tucker’s Burying Water series, you have already met Ivy – she comes across as distanced and quite abrasive, but there is a soft heart hiding deep inside of her. After her uncle’s death, she is ready to be on the move […]

Posted 23 October, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 30 Comments

Review: Chasing River – K.A. Tucker

Review: Chasing River – K.A. Tucker

Chasing River took me on a beautiful and dangerous trip to Ireland, with good-girl Amber and bad-boy River, filled my heart with adventure, romance and love. My Chasing River review: I loved everything about Chasing River so much! It was about time Amber got her own story, and to see it unfold mostly in Dublin, Ireland was a real treat. I sadly haven’t been to Ireland yet, but it is definitely on my list of places to visit. While her time in Ireland definitely didn’t end up being at all as she had planned, Amber did try to make the best of it. If what happened to her on her first day there had happened to me, I’m pretty sure […]


Review: Becoming Rain – K. A. Tucker

Review: Becoming Rain – K. A. Tucker

Becoming Rain was fantastic! Kick-ass undercover female cop and gorgeous male suspect. My Becoming Rain review: Becoming Rain captivated me from the very first word, and I immediately felt for Clara and what she needed to do to get her job done. As I had already met and enjoyed Luke in Burying Water, I was happy to read a whole story with him as one of the main characters. He was a suspect in a car stealing ring in Portland, and Clara was brought in from the DC office to be undercover, dressed and acting like a socialite to entice Luke, she was ready to show the FBI that she would be right for any job they would offer her… […]


Review: Confess – Colleen Hoover

Review: Confess – Colleen Hoover

While Confess was sometimes heartbreaking and always well written, I found the ending to be a little bit ‘too easy’ after everything that was going on… My Confess review: Colleen Hoover is an expert at tugging at my heartstrings, I always feel all the feels when I read one of her books, and Confess was no exception to the rule! Auburn and Owen were great characters to follow, but they didn’t touch me as deeply as other characters have done. And I have to admit that I felt anger both towards Auburn’s parents, and towards Lydia! As always, the story started out a little mysterious, as a reader, I had no idea why Auburn would have ever wanted to move […]


Review: Closure – John Lescroart and M.J. Rose

Review: Closure – John Lescroart and M.J. Rose

Closure is a very short story, like an introduction to a new author, if you will. My Closure mini-review Closure is not exactly the most unexpected story I have ever read, but for the twenty-five pages it lasted, I was definitely into Lucy and what she was up to. From the way she made her therapist nervous, to the way she worked to find the painter she had so admired when she was a child. Written in first person past tense, from the unnamed therapist’s point of view, I got a good sense of Lucy, as well as  Frank Millay, and the flow was nicely done.  For the parts of the story when the therapist wasn’t present, the third person […]

Posted 22 January, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Review: Maybe Not – Colleen Hoover

Review: Maybe Not – Colleen Hoover

Maybe Not is a quick read, in which I got to know Warren a lot better, and seeing him and Bridgette in a slightly different light from how they were described from the outside in Maybe Someday. My Maybe Not review: In Maybe Not, we get Warren’s point of view of everything that happens, and while I really enjoyed Warren in Maybe Someday, I found that I enjoyed him a little less when I was basically inside his head. I think he comes from a good place most of the time, but he also overstepped some boundaries that really ought not to be overstepped. Bridgette gained a lot of depth through his eyes, and that was a very nice change. […]

Posted 3 December, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments