Review: Crash Into You (Pushing the Limits #3) – Katie McGarry

Posted 21 October, 2013 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review: Crash Into You (Pushing the Limits #3) – Katie McGarryCrash Into You by Katie McGarry
Series: Pushing the Limits #3
Published by Harlequin Teen on 26 November 2013
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Pages: 474
Format: eARC
Source: Netgalley
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5 Stars

The girl with straight As, designer clothes and the perfect life-that's who people expect Rachel Young to be. So the private-school junior keeps secrets from her wealthy parents and overbearing brothers...and she's just added two more to the list. One involves racing strangers down dark country roads in her Mustang GT. The other? Seventeen-year-old Isaiah Walker-a guy she has no business even talking to. But when the foster kid with the tattoos and intense gray eyes comes to her rescue, she can't get him out of her mind.

Isaiah has secrets, too. About where he lives, and how he really feels about Rachel. The last thing he needs is to get tangled up with a rich girl who wants to slum it on the south side for kicks-no matter how angelic she might look.

But when their shared love of street racing puts both their lives in jeopardy, they have six weeks to come up with a way out. Six weeks to discover just how far they'll go to save each other.

*I received a free ARC of Crash Into You from Harlequin Teen via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.*

If you thought Isaiah was the best bad-boy out there in Pushing the Limits, you’ll adore him in Crash Into You! Of course, bad boy is relative, it has to do with the way people see him more than anything else! Rachel doesn’t really care all that much about appearances, though, especially because it seems like that is the only thing that matters for her family. And her four brothers aren’t really any better than her parents when it comes to that.

This might become a very gushing review, because I was so excited when I got an e-mail telling me I was approved for an ARC of Crash Into You, I actually happy-danced in my livingroom. And the book lived up to all of my expectations and more, awesome writing, great characters and a beautifully crafted story. I’m still not clear on how that is possible, but it obviously is, I still feel happy just thinking about it, and I finished reading it a couple of days ago. The writing is excellent, the characters are so well done, and the story is both breath-taking, beautiful and sad all in one.

Crash Into You had many things that upset me – for one the way the system has let Isaiah down since he was only six years old, and the way he has to learn some things about his mother now that he’s seventeen was really hard to read about. And don’t even get me started on Rachel and her parents! They have to be among the most insensitive parents I have ever read about. But these two important points actually made the reading experience even better. It managed to show how strong both Isaiah and Rachel really are, and that they are both decent, normal, loving human beings; despite life having dealt them a pretty crappy hand to start with.

I don’t think there is a single word in Crash Into You that I didn’t enjoy – and even the parents that got on my nerves played an important part in what made the story great. It was such a treat to get to know Isaiah better, because even in Pushing the Limits and Dare You To, he is so bad-ass and a little distant, so the readers don’t really know that much about him. Isaiah is a very decent, hard-working and intelligent guy, though, even if he is also a tough guy who does his best to push people away. And Rachel is the same way, apart from the tough thing, she’s hiding in her car alone, speeding through back-roads to get away from her problems and worries.

It really appealed to me that Rachel knew as much about cars as Isaiah did, it made Crash Into You very realistic, because not all girls are all about the mall and ‘girly’ things, and it was very refreshing to read about a girl from a privileged background who still had things to fight for in order to be respected by her peers. Of course, seeing Noah and Echo, as well as Beth and Ryan didn’t take anything away from the story either. It was very nice to see how they have changed as well, while at the same time, they are the same in many ways. And the friendships that started in one book are obviously continued here, which is always a good thing in my eyes.

Crash Into You is written in dual point of views, one chapter from Isaiah’s and the next from Rachel’s. It is a great way for the readers to be able to connect and understand both of the main characters, and I have to admit it was quite thrilling to be inside of Isaiah’s head. To see things his way was enlightening, and I think he’s my favorite of the original cast in the Pushing the Limits series. Even the first person present, which I sometimes have trouble with, is just perfect for this series. It’s as if the readers discover everything at the same time as the characters, which makes it even easier to connect with them.

Both Isaiah and Rachel had some heavy stuff to deal with, and they had their own ways of coping. What struck me was how they came to count on each other so quickly, because they felt like they could be themselves completely when they were together. They had some very hard choices to make towards the end, and I was scared for them for a while. And I was so completely shocked by something towards the end I almost had to force myself to continue to read.

“Because,* says Gavin. “You’re the one Mom wanted.” No, I’m not, but I’m the best replacement Dad could give her.

My heart beats frantically. Isaiah is hot and scary and hot.

I like that we’re the same age, at least physically. Something tells me his soul is much older.

I laugh, and the dark shadow on his face moves as he cracks a grin. Even though this isn’t his first smile tonight, it’s the first one to touch his eyes, and from the wary way the smile flickers on and off his face, it appears to surprise him. Maybe he’s out of practice, which is a shame. He has a drop-dead stunning smile.

I kick back and rest against the seat. What the fuck is wrong with me that I like that I made a rich girl feel better? Damn, I need a beer.

Isaiah shifts, getting a better grip on whatever he’s working on. My mouth goes dry and alien sensations warm my body. Isaiah is absolutely beautiful.

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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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0 responses to “Review: Crash Into You (Pushing the Limits #3) – Katie McGarry

    • Katie McGarry is truly awesome! I love her writing, both because her characters are well developed and because the stories always appeal to me.

      Thanks for stopping by Laura 🙂

    • I jumped up and down and happy-danced when I got approved for this ARC, Robyn 🙂 And I know you love this series, too. I hope you’ll enjoy Crash Into You as much as I did! And yes, she sure does rock.

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  1. GAH! I cannot wait to read this, Lexxie! That Ms. McGarry’s books seem to get better and better is phenomenal. I really loved Isaiah and I’m so happy that he got his own book. I look forward to meeting Rachel and her awful parents. (does that sound bad?!?) And I think it’s awesome Rachel knows about cars! Thanks for gushing – loved it! 😉 *hugs*

    • Oh come on, you need to get to Crash Into You as soon as possible, Brandee! It’s so awesome. And yes, you really do want to meet Rachel and her awful parents. I never get how out of touch some parents can be… all the while hoping I’m not that way at all myself…

      Thanks for stopping by Brandee 🙂 *hugs*

  2. Awwww… fantastic review!! I’ve read Crash Into You too, and I loved it (Scheduling post next month). I had a thing for Isaiah before his book came out and I absolutely loved it too!! And it ripped my heart out that he has been let down by the system… and his mother, what a selfish cow!! Rachel was awesome too, I loved how she grew as a person. Well done girl!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace recently posted: Swoon Thursday #65 – Wild Child By M. Leighton
    • I look forward to reading your review, Naomi! I definitely had a thing for Isaiah before this story as well, he’s really something! I love how we really got to know him in this book, and I agree, I was almost crying for the little boy he once was – and he could have been so happy if his mom hadn’t been so selfish!

      Thanks for stopping by, Naomi 🙂 have a great evening.

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