Series: Magic

Review : Dream Magic – Michelle Mankin

Review : Dream Magic – Michelle Mankin

Dream Magic is the stunning second instalment in Mankin’s Magic series. The paranormal world the story unfolds in is complex, with characters that are multi-faceted and enticing. I loved Strange Magic, and I’m happy to say that Dream Magic is even better! The world was expanded, and all the characters showed other facets of themselves than they did in the first book. With the intricacies of both the universe and the mythology, Mankin managed to bring her characters to the next level, while keeping me on the edge of my seat for the duration of the story at the same time. I loved that the first part of the book included several new to me characters, while those I had […]


Review: Strange Magic – Michelle Mankin

Review: Strange Magic – Michelle Mankin

Strange Magic started out not very magical at all, however, as the story unfolded, magic became strong and ever-present. Mankin really has a way with words, reading her stories always brings me to a magical realm, and that was even more true with Strange Magic. There is mythology, ghosts, greek gods, mystery, music, and a very strong love. Billy was a lost soul, but in the beginning, I thought he was ‘just another rock-star’ – and know that I love stories with musicians! – but there was much more to him than met the eyes. Thyme was a young girl who felt slightly out of place, but still confident in what she was doing and the people she loved and […]
