Waiting on Wednesday #1: The Undead Pool – Kim Harrison

Posted 22 January, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Memes, Waiting on Wednesday / 23 Comments

Waiting on Wednesday - (un)Conventional Bookviews


Waiting on Wednesday #1: The Undead Pool

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jill of Breaking the Spine. This meme is a place to showcase a book we’re really looking forward to with bated breath! A new release in our favorite series, an exciting new title from a favorite author…

I am giddy with excitement waiting for The Undead Pool! I love Rachel and all her partners in crime. I have even enjoyed Trent from the very first book. The story is so well done, and the long-term plot is easy to follow, even if some things may take more than one book to arrive at some kind of resolution.

The Undead Pool cover - (un)Conventional BookviewsThe Undead Pool (The Hollows #12) – Kim Harrison Release date February 25th 2014

Summary: Witch and day-walking demon Rachel Morgan has managed to save the demonic ever after from shrinking, but at a high cost. Now strange magic is attacking Cincinnati and the Hollows, causing spells to backfire or go horribly wrong, and the truce between the races, between Inderlander and human, is shattering.

Rachel must stop the occurrences before the undead vampire masters who keep the rest of the undead under control are lost and it becomes all-out supernatural war. However, the only way to do so is through the ancient elven wild magic, which carries its own perils.


Thanks for stopping by, have a fantastic Wednesday! Don’t forget to leave me a link in your comment so I can come and check out your Waiting on Wednesday post, too.

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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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23 responses to “Waiting on Wednesday #1: The Undead Pool – Kim Harrison

    • I only started this series last summer, Shane, and I read the first ten books in a month – loved every single word 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by.

    • I know a little something about out of control TBR piles, Mikki 🙂 I hope you will get to read this series on one point, though, it’s awesome.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  1. Waaaaa! I remember us having a virtual comment chat about this series. I am really interested to pick up the first book but following 12 books is quite daunting.

    Is this going to be the last book? Kudos to you for really sticking with the Hollows, Lexxie.

    Thanks for sharing. 😀

    Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens recently posted: Book Review: Red Rising
    • Hey Charlotte 🙂 I agree, in some ways, it’s a little scary to pick up a series with so many books, but at the same time – if you enjoy it – you can just read and read and read and almost never have to wait for the next book.

      I think there is supposed to be at least one more after this one 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by my friend <3

  2. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    Ooooh great pick! Can’t go wrong with Kim for your first WoW!! I can’t wait to read it either!

    Thanks for visiting my WoW!

    • I had no idea Bitten was based on The Hollows… I may have to check it out – hopefully I can find it on iTunes 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by Braine.

  3. Ahh, I just can’t get enough of this cover, Lexxie. I really adore it! And of course, I’m anxious to read this one as well. But I must read Ever After first! 😉

    I’m really disappointed Harrison isn’t coming here this year for the release tour. She’s not making many appearances in the west. 🙁

    Have a great day, Lexxie! Take care of you and your little one. 🙂 *HUGS*

    • Yes, you really, really need to hurry up and read Ever After! There are so many things happening there! And I can’t wait to read The Undead Pool.

      I can understand you’re disappointed she’s not coming your way this year 🙁 I would love to meet her too – but I would probably only be able to squee 😀

      Thanks for stopping by, Brandee. Have a great day yourself! *BIG HUGS*

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