Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jill of Breaking the Spine. This meme is a place to showcase a book we’re really looking forward to with bated breath! A new release in our favorite series, an exciting new title from a favorite author…
Waiting on Wednesday #74
When I first read the summary for Away We Go, I have to admit I was intrigued, very intrigued. I mean, really a school where only kids who are dying of the Peter Pan Virus are admitted? What is up with that? Away We Go, by Emil Ostrovski is scheduled for release on February 2nd 2016.
Westing is not your typical school. For starters, you have to have one very important quality in order to be admitted—you have to be dying. Every student at Westing has been diagnosed with PPV, or the Peter Pan Virus. No one is expected to live to graduation.
What do you do when you go to a school where no one has a future? Noah Falls, his girlfriend Alice, and his best friend Marty spend their time drinking, making out, and playing video games on awaywego.com. But when an older boy named Zach (who Noah may or may not be in love with) invites Noah and Marty to join his secret Polo Club, the lives of both boys change as they struggle to find meaning in their shortened existence.
With an innovative format that includes interstitial documents, such as flyers, postcards, and handwritten notes, Away We Go is a funny, honest look at first love and tragic heartbreak.
Thanks for stopping by, have a fantastic Wednesday! Don’t forget to leave me a link in your comment so I can come and check out your Waiting on Wednesday post, too.
This sounds a bit heartbreaking. I’m definitely adding it to my TBR. I hope you get to read, and enjoy, it soon. Thanks for sharing, and happy Wednesday! 🙂
It does sound heartbreaking, and at the same time, the concept is so interesting. Thanks for stopping by, Petra!
This sounds intriguing… Probably not one I’d be interested in reading but I hope you love it when you get your hands on a copy!!
I’m really intrigued by this – the Peter Pan Virus? Kids who know they’ll never become adults? If I could sign up to get this right now, I would, Danielle 😀
Thanks for stopping by!
This one sounds like something I’d love to read. The summary intrigues me very much too. Thanks for sharing! 😀
You’re welcome, Stephanie 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Nice pick! Not really my kind of read but still hope you positively love it!
Here’s my WoW
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
I hope I’ll love it, too, Jessica 😉
Totally intrigued! Sounds really interesting. Love the cover too. Great pick!
Intrigued is a good word, Grace, that’s how I feel, too.
Been seeing this one around the blogs. Seems like a really interesting story. Different. Right up my alley, so I hope to get a copy like you do. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Happy Wednesday!
Shane @ Itching for Books
Different is always good, Shane, at least I think so!
I’m captivated already! How do you find all these books, Lex?? 😉
I’m always trolling NetGalley… even when I really, really shouldn’t 😉 *BIG HUGS*
New to me but hope that you get a chance to read and enjoy it soon.
Thanks, Brandi, I hope so, too.
I just heard of this one the other day and it sounds really interesting! Great pick! You can check out my pick in the link below!
Both WoW posts and those showing off new books we received during the week tend to make my reading list longer, Lisa. Thanks for stopping by.
I love the cover and blurb! I might not be able to read such a sad book, but I loved The Fault in Our Stars…so who knows?
Thanks for sharing…and here’s mine: “MOST WANTED”
Sometimes, sad books are a godsend… It’s nice to have a good cry every now and then 😉
I just googled Peter Pan Virus but all I came up with is the computer virus. Anyway, I think the virus sounds really cool. I wanna know more about Emil’s take on PPV AND LGBT!?? I’m sold! Thanks for sharing!
Here’s my WoW
Yeah, I don’t think it’s a real, human virus, but it’s still really good to think of a story where the characters have a very real expiration date… I wonder how they will deal with it all.
Oooh… this sounds interesting! I like that they are trying to make the best of the time they have… I’m curious about the Polo Club!
It does sound interesting, and I’m really wondering how they will all deal with the fact that they won’t really leave the school, ever.
Twitter: Mollykatie112
This is the first I have heard of this one. I will be interested in hearing your thoughts 🙂