The Sunday Post #44 – Weekly Wrap-up
Welcome to my Sunday Post. Thank you to Kimba over at The Caffeinated Reviewer, who is hosting this weekly event. It is the perfect opportunity to share what happened here on my own blog, as well as some of the happenings elsewhere in the Blogosphere.
On Tuesday, my husband, my oldest daughter, and my youngest son came back to Spain to spend another two weeks of vacation here before we all go back home to Geneva to spend the last week together (also with my oldest son) until school starts again. It’s so nice to have adults to hang out with once more! I loved having the alone time with my ten-year-old daughter, but ADULTS! I’m sure you know what I mean, if you have kids, or younger siblings or cousins or someone else who is much younger than you. Even if it’s lovely to spend some alone time together it’s nice to be able to chat about more adult stuff, too!
This week’s posts:
- [4 Aug] Teaser Tuesday #57 – Very in Pieces
- [5 Aug] Waiting on Wednesday #57 – Surviving Ice
- [6 Aug] Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts #27 – Forever Grace
- [8 Aug] Stacking the Shelves #95 BBB #45 – The Queen!!
- [9 Aug] The Sunday Post #44
This week’s reviews:
- [3 Aug] The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand ★★★★★
- [4 Aug] Tough Love by Lori Foster ★★★★★
- [5 Aug] Bring on the Heat by Katie Rose ★★★
- [6 Aug] Forever Grace by Linda Poitevin ★★★★★
- [7 Aug] The Devil Takes a Bride by Julia London ★★★★
Elsewhere in the Blogosphere:
Cait @ Paper Fury asks What Makes You Follow A Blog? (and I admit in the comments that I might have a crush on her discussion posts…)
Braine @ Talk Supe has a Gush and Gripe post titled Haters Gonna Hate, Hate, and both her post itself and the comments are pretty amazing!
What have you been up to this past week? Don’t forget to leave me a link so I can come visit your Sunday Post as well.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend, and that next week will be filled with awesome!
Looks like you have had some fun reading those books!! Glad to hear you got some fun ADULT time.
Yeah, it was nice to have the older members of the family join us again, Renee 🙂
My kids are 6 and 8, it is so nice to go to work to speak to people who are “grown up”!
Enjoy your family time!
Ha! I know what you mean, Heather. While I have kids ranging in age from 10 to 20, and the two oldest are adults in many ways, it was nice to have my husband with me again, too 🙂
LOL, about adults. Yes it is nice to have adults too, after a while. Glad everyone was able to get back together, enjoy your remaining time there and hopefully you’ll have good weather and lots of fun.
Yes, that’s exactly it, Greg 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.
Adults, yeah, I feel you ! I’m spending the month alone with my boyfriends (oh, and my coworkers), my daughters being with their other grandparents, so I can relate. We can watch adult series, shows and talk about different stuff, phew ! Have a nice family week-end, enjoy 😉
That sounds really nice, Iza, even if I’m sure you’ll miss your daughters 🙂
Spain! are you in Spain Lexxie??? I Love Spain 🙂 I’m hoping to go back next year 🙂 Sounds like a lot of exciting family time! yup I know what you mean kids and younger siblings! It keeps you young though 🙂
I read Cait @ Paper Fury asks What Makes You Follow A Blog? and I agree! Cait’s discussion posts are great
Hope you visit my Sunday Post 🙂
Yup, Daniela, I’ve been in Spain since the end of June… but the return home is really looming on the horizon now – we’re probably leaving the day after tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by.
It seems like summer will never get here and then, BAM, it’s almost over! Sounds like you had a lovely one. And I know what you mean about adults! I raised my son by myself, and if it wasn’t for work, I’d go days without having an adult to talk too!
Must be nice to have adults around to talk with again. I hope you are enjoying what’s left of your vacation!
I really like Paper Fury her posts, I might have to stop by again soon, it’s been awhile since I stopped by her blog.
Have a great week!
Twitter: kimbacaffeinate
Yes I can totally relate to needing time with adults. Enjoy thsee last few weeks before the madness of schedules and routines begin.
It is *very* nice to have another adult to talk to! I hope you enjoy your last few weeks in Spain.
Whew! Been a long time since I spend time with kiddies that age, but I remember how it used to be! (lol) Can I just say that I want to hide out in your suitcase for just a week. Geneva AND Spain?! Amazing! I totally loved Braine’s post and she hit on some good points. The comments were great, as well. The again, I admit to having a girl crush because of her witty and informative writing style. Going to have to check out Cait’s post. Never been there and enjoy meeting new bloggers. Sure hope you have a stress-free day filled with lots of fun. BIG Hugs…Ro
I know what you mean about how great adult time can be. Enjoy the rest of your vacation…and all those delightful books.
I’m the opposite. I’ve been hanging with adults too much, I got so excited when my younger brother travelled back home, lol. It’s the kid in me. Enjoy your vacation, Lexxie! 🙂
That is nice that you are all together again. I love your pictures on Instagram!! Have a great week with your family!!
Looks like a great week. I am off to check out those articles!
Oh, it really can be nice to have adult time! I know I love my niece and nephew, but sheesh, they can wear you out and you can’t talk about a lot of things in front of them. hah
Sorry i haven’t commented in awhile. I hope all is well – enjoy the last of your vacation!
It sounds like a good week! 😀 Yeah, I’m only 25 but even I know what you mean. You can’t really talk about bills, money issues, romance, etc. properly with younger people. I don’t know, I think it’s due to life experience but even if they’re a bit older (18 or so) the conversations just aren’t as helpful if you’re trying to sort something out in your head… you know, like brain storming. Does that make sense? I usually just end up repeating myself. I also find they don’t really know enough about the problem to actually be useful (e.g. I’m trying to gain weight at the moment and finding it very hard… a friend 6 years younger than me told me to eat lots of burgers and curly fries… like that’s a healthy way to gain weight!) You get my point though yeah? People your own age (or older) have a better perspective on stuff. In my situation they’d tell you to do strength training, eat larger meals, maybe try protein shakes… you get the point! lol. With adults you’re free to talk about anything you desire and not limited to certain topics. I don’t mean that in a nasty way, but it’s true.
Have a great week,
Amy x
P.S. I love kids as much as the next person 😛
hehe Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, Lex! I’m happy your family is mostly all together again and that you’re enjoying together time. 🙂 *BIG HUGS*
I can’t believe summer is already over! We start school this coming Monday 😛 I’m glad you were able to spend quality time with grown-ups, I completely know what you mean about not having little ones around and how amazing it is to have adult talk ha ha! I hope you have a fantastic week ahead Lexxie 🙂