#OctobeRec Fest Review #6 ~ Knotted ~ Pam Godwin

Thanks for joining me for OctobeRec Fest. I really enjoyed spending the month of October reading a few of the many, many books I’ve procured thanks to you, my blogger/reader friends. I aimed for 9 and only completed 6 but I’m proud of my progress. 😉 And you’ll see this feature again next year! Title: Knotted Author: Pam Godwin Recommended by: Michelle Hennessy (a reader I met at RARE Paris) Knotted was intense and emotional. It made for an introduction to PGodwin’s writing that I won’t soon forget. Despite there being a few things in the story that stretched suspension of disbelief, I felt PGodwin created a story with gritty elements and engaging characters and wove something beautiful. Conor and Jake […]