Series: Brutal Strength

Review: Love Resolution – Michelle Mankin

Review: Love Resolution – Michelle Mankin

Love Resolution showed me all the trouble Avery and Marcus went through, and while I really enjoyed their story, some of it was a bit too much. My Love Resolution review: I was so happy when I realized that Love Resolution was going to be a second story featuring Avery and Marcus, as I really fell for both of them in Love Evolution. Of course, there was trouble in paradise, especially because Marcus started being nervous about the tour, the press and how Avery would be able to deal with things. However, instead of sharing his fears with her, he pushed her away, and then became jealous when he saw her dancing with Bryan from their opening band Tempest. Love […]

Posted 18 December, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 11 Comments

Review: Love Revolution – Michelle Mankin

Review: Love Revolution – Michelle Mankin

Love Revolution had a bit too much drama for my taste, even if I enjoyed the characters and the overall story just fine. My Love Revolution review: So, a bit much drama made Love Revolution less enjoyable to me, and so did the fact that we followed two couples instead of one. This made me feel like I didn’t have enough time with either couple, and thus, I didn’t really get to know the characters as well as I would have liked. What little I did to see of Sarah made her seem very controlling, both of her environment (and the people around her) in general, and also over her little sister, Samantha. Luckily, I got to know why she […]

Posted 13 November, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 12 Comments

Review: Love Evolution – Michelle Mankin

Review: Love Evolution – Michelle Mankin

Love Evolution is a great start to the Brutal Strength / Black Cat Records series, I loved the characters, the excitement, the reluctant romance and, of course, the music! My Love Evolution review: I love it when stories manage to mix romance and music, and Mankin definitely managed that in Love Evolution. Finding herself all alone, Avery was ready to do anything to catch a break and find a position as guitarist in a group. When her manager told her Brutal Strength didn’t want a female guitarist, she dressed as a boy, cut her hair, and went to the audition. Of course, after she got the job, there were some awkward moments between her and the lead-singer of the group, […]

Posted 2 November, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 11 Comments