Series: American Royals

Review ~ American Royals ~ Katharine McGee #UnearthingaBookishBounty #COYER

Review ~ American Royals ~ Katharine McGee #UnearthingaBookishBounty #COYER

American Royals answers the question: What if George Washington has agreed to be King of America? An interesting premise, right? It certainly grabbed my attention and I was pleased with KMcGee’s execution of it. American Royals is told from four POVs. That of the Crown Princess, Beatrice, her younger sister, Princess Samantha, Sam’s best friend, Nina, and Prince Jefferson’s ex-girlfriend, Daphne. Through these POVs, we get a great understanding of American royal life. Beatrice shows up what it’s like to have been groomed your entire life to be the next monarch, never getting to make her own decisions. She’s going to be facing adversity as America’s first Queen and she’s struggling with what she’ll have to give up. Samantha demonstrates […]

Posted 17 February, 2020 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 3 Comments