Publisher: Science Future Press

Review: Mr. and Mrs. – JA Huss

Review: Mr. and Mrs. – JA Huss

Mr. and Mrs. is the perfect ending to the Mister series, it was fun, a little mysterious and a lot romantic. I got to see my favorite Five in his element. Story: First of all, if you have not read the whole Mister series, plus Five, you should not continue reading this review, as there will be spoilers for prior books in here. Mr. and Mrs. happened on Five’s private island, and all the misters showed up for a group wedding. We got to know what Five and Rory have been up to since the ending of Five, and I loved seeing them happy with their four daughters. They were princesses in their own right, and I had so much […]

Posted 30 October, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 16 Comments

Review: Five – J.A. Huss

Review: Five – J.A. Huss

Five blew my mind. It’s a story I’ve been waiting for since forever, and Huss definitely didn’t disappoint. Story: Princess Shrike was all ready to move on with her life. With no news from five in the past six years, she figured she should just do her thing. Date. Make new friends. Vacation in the Hamptons. Until her brother Ollie sends her a message saying she has to come home. Because Five is home. There was a lot of intrigue in Five. And a lot of heartache. And quite a bit of sadness. Of course, I also got Huss’ spectacular snark. And her hotness. Plus love – Five was also filled with beautiful love. Of course, there are also secret […]

Posted 18 September, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Review: His Turn – J. A. Huss

Review: His Turn – J. A. Huss

His Turn was quite different from what I expected, the plot was definitely twisted, and there was a lot of darkness. Bric needed to work quite a bit in order to move forward with his life after the last game ended. Bric was not only in a dark place, he seemed to like it there, too! His Turn showed how demotivated he was with everything after Quin and Smith left him behind to be with their women. Nadia was an enigma, though, it took me a long time to figure anything out about her at all, and while I enjoyed the way she seemed to be one step ahead of Bric, I think I might have enjoyed it even more […]


#ARC #Review: Anarchy Chained – J.A. Huss

#ARC #Review: Anarchy Chained – J.A. Huss

Anarchy Chained is quite the finale to the SuperAlpha series! So much was going on, and the wicked twists and turns were out of this world – literally! Anarchy Chained was such a wicked trip! I am still trying to catch my breath, get my wits about me and make my heartbeat slow back down! Huss is a master at mind-fucks! She really, really is. And with this story, she took it even further than usual in my opinion. At the beginning, I was a bit lost, and I continued to feel like the story was a couple of paces ahead of me for most of the time, and it was truly thrilling to never guess a single thing that […]


Review : Anarchy Missing – J. A. Huss

Review : Anarchy Missing – J. A. Huss

Anarchy Missing is incredibly intense! Like wow – so much is happening in such a short time it’s like I’m out of breath, and at the same time, I just want more! It’s not all that easy to pick an exact genre for Anarchy Missing, as there are some sci-fi or paranormal elements, and it’s definitely urban, and its very hot. What else do you need to know, right? The overall plot didn’t advance too much in this instalment, but the pace was fast, and the character interactions were intense and filled with danger. I loved Lulu, she’s the kind of heroine I can get behind. She is strong, she is able to take a step back and try to […]


Review: Taking Turns – J.A. Huss

Review: Taking Turns – J.A. Huss

Oh man! Taking Turns is dark. And addictive. And enticing. And twisted. And mysterious. And sexy. And so very complex and complicated. Taking Turns made me a little uneasy before I picked it up. I mean, yeah, Huss is one of my favorite authors, but her stuff can be extremely dark. And taboo. And a little uncomfortable. And pushing boundaries. And expanding my reading horizons pretty far off what I had imagined. So, reading about one girl and not two, but three guys. Yeah, definitely uneasy! And it was definitely a dirty story. But it was much more than that! It was about secrets. Really bad childhoods. Redemption, hope, respect, and possibly even love. It is quite difficult to review […]

Posted 16 January, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 19 Comments

#ReadIndie Review: Mr. Match – J.A. Huss

#ReadIndie Review: Mr. Match – J.A. Huss

Mr. Match is the biggest mindfuck I have ever read, and that is really saying something! On top of that, the romance and the characters were top notch, too! Mr. Match finally brought all the loose ends together, but those ends weren’t all neat and nice, oh no, Sir! They were messy. They were filled with lies. They took away some hope. They made people trust each other less. They took no prisoners. But they did clear up everything that needed to be cleared up. WOW what a ride the Mister series has been. Each of the first four books can be read in any order, but this fifth book should definitely be read last – it’s the only one […]

Posted 12 December, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Review: Mr. Mysterious – J.A. Huss

Review: Mr. Mysterious – J.A. Huss

Mr. Mysterious did bring some answers, but it brought ever more questions as well! The Mister series becomes faster paced with a plot that thickens more with each installment! I loved Mr. Mysterious, both because I was curious about Pax, and because Cindy was such a hoot! That girl actually narrates parts of her actions as they happen 🙂 and she had me laughing out loud. Her flirting with Pax was outrageous, but I think it was needed in order to really capture his attention. The overall plot moved forward very nicely here, but I still feel like I have more questions than answers. And that is definitely right up Ms. Huss’s usual alley – to keep us all guessing […]

Posted 14 October, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 20 Comments

Review: Mr. Corporate – J. A. Huss

Review: Mr. Corporate – J. A. Huss

Mr. Corporate made me doubt what I thought I knew about the Misters, and I enjoyed that he was keeping his card so close to the chest he wasn’t even thinking about what they were. I really enjoyed Weston and what he brought to the story in Mr. Corporate, but Tori truly grated on my nerves. For almost the whole story, she went from hot to cold to scalding, and her reactions didn’t really make much sense to me. Even when I got to know her back story, I didn’t fully understand her or think she was justified in the way she treated Weston. The overall story and plot was awesome, though, and I found Weston to be great – […]


Review : Mr Romantic – J. A. Huss

Review : Mr Romantic – J. A. Huss

Mr. Romantic is a little bit like a dark story, with characters you feel like you may have met before, and in which the big bad wolf isn’t a real character, but rather the characters’ past, getting ready to eat them all… My first reaction after I finished reading Mr. Romantic was ‘Holy mind fuck Batman!’ because that’s what this story was. Like Ivy, I never really knew if Nolan was serious or not and that kept me on the edge of my seat and made it quite hard to breathe at times. This story covers some very dark themes, even if a lot of the action is quite light-hearted. And I don’t think the sexual fantasy part of the […]
