Author: Tracy Wolff

Review: Play Me Right – Tracy Wolff

Review: Play Me Right – Tracy Wolff

Everything comes together in Play Me Right, the secrets are out in the open, and Aria and Sebastian both feel like they can be completely themselves with each other. My Play Me Right review: Even if office romances aren’t usually my thing, this whole Play Me series totally got to me. The characters were believable, the sexual tension and their chemistry was amazing, and the overall story and plot was compelling, too, In Play Me Right, everything comes together, even if not everything is solved. Knowing about the things Sebastian and Aria have kept from each other, and to a certain extent from themselves brought a satisfied smile to my face. As a reader, I love it when I get […]

Posted 2 December, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments

Review: Play Me Real – Tracy Wolff

Review: Play Me Real – Tracy Wolff

Play Me Real is very tense, and both Sebastian and Aria come face to face with their pasts. My Play Me Real review: Starting at the exact same moment as the ending of Play Me Hard, Play Me Real gets right into the cliffhanger, and it’s really tough to deal with Janet for both Sebastian and Aria. I really enjoyed the way Sebastian dealt with the guy that got Aria on his radar in the first book of this serial, because he showed that he was true to his word, and really wouldn’t accept any clients in his casino who weren’t playing by his rules. Ethan Frost and Chloe from Wolff’s Ethan Frost series show up here, too, and they […]

Posted 25 November, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 4 Comments

Review: Play Me Hard – Tracy Wolff

Review: Play Me Hard – Tracy Wolff

In Play Me Hard, Aria shows that she can totally be in control, at least out of the bedroom, ultimatums are not at all appreciated by her. My Play Me Hard review: When Aria tells Sebastian that she doesn’t respond well to ultimatums, the readers see yet another side to her, and there is more than a hint of something dark hidden in her past. At the same time, during Play Me Hard, Aria feels so confused about Sebastian! He’s everything she always thought she wanted to run from, and here she is, taking orders from him, feeling safe and wanting more. Sebastian is mostly very sweet, he pours her a bath, takes care of her and shows her nothing […]

Posted 21 November, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 16 Comments

Review: Play Me Hot – Tracy Wolff

Review: Play Me Hot – Tracy Wolff

Play Me Hot is definitely hot! It also shows a side to both Aria and Sebastian that was different from Play Me Wild. My Play Me Hot review: Sebastian has quickly become a little obsessed with Aria, even if he had promised himself that he would take things slow. Play Me Hot starts wit some very hot sex in his office, and he helps her experience something she’s never even dreamed of before. She always knew she would enjoy someone else taking completely charge, maybe even hurting her a little in the process. However, Sebastian’s control is so strong he manages to push her a lot farther much faster than he had anticipated. He hadn’t quite anticipated just how far he […]

Posted 18 November, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 2 Comments

Review: Play Me: Wild – Tracy Wolff

Review: Play Me: Wild – Tracy Wolff

Play me Wild is the first installment in a hot serial about Cole and Aria, and I really enjoyed how Aria was willing to stand up for what was right, even at the cost of her job! My Play Me Wild review: Aria was trying everything she could to stay in control of her life, and it was easy to see that something has happened to her in the past to make her crave solitude and control right now. When a customer at the casino where she works starts to harass a customer, and neither the security guard, nor the dealer are willing to help, Aria steps up. And ends up losing her job. Play Me Wild showed me right […]

Posted 10 November, 2014 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 10 Comments