Review: Bitter Blood (The Morganville Vampires #13) – Rachel Caine

Posted 9 December, 2012 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 0 Comments

Review: Bitter Blood (The Morganville Vampires #13) – Rachel CaineBitter Blood by Rachel Caine
Series: Morganville Vampires #13
Published by NAL on 6 November 2012
Genres: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Young Adult
Pages: 404
Source: Kindle Purchase
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5 Stars

After getting rid of the draug, there seems as if there are no predators left stronger than the vampires, so things in Morganville are back to the way they were before, aren't they? Clare and her friends actually have more to deal with in Bitter Blood than they did in prior books because even the founder seems to be acting very strangely now that there is no more danger to her or other vampires. Morganville humans decide that now is the time to fight back, though, and in doing so take the readers on a frightful ride with them!

Bitter Blood is the perfect continuation of The Morganville Vampires series. Claire is such a great heroine; she is smart, tough, courageous, loving and never gives up. Her friends are her new family, and it is quite a new adventure they are all facing in this story.

I think this book is the one in this series that surprised me the most! There were quite a few things that happened that I could not at all guess in advance, and I had no idea which character was behind all the mayhem! It was very well written, with enough things to throw me off track, but not entirely in the wrong direction anyway.

The humor is one of the things I appreciate in the Morganville Vampires, the friendly banter between Clare and Shane, Eve and Michael. However, one of the things that transpired in this volume was that all was not well in the Glass household. At first, there were some little things, but in the end those things became so big I thought they were all going to go their separate ways.

There were ghosts as well, and some of them were pretty scary, and the ghosts hunters / TV show hosts who showed up got on my list of ‘people who deserve to be bitten’ very quickly. I realize that they were acting as they would have in any other city, but I knew all along that Morganville is far from your normal city, right? It added another layer of humor, and I was cheering when Shane and Eve exchanged barbs with them.

There is a mystery in this one that is even more difficult to crack than those in prior books in the series. Amelie is acting very strangely, as is Oliver. And there is a new Captain Obvious in town as well. To not spoil anything, I think I have to stop talking about the story and the plot now – I would hate it if I said something that made the mystery less so for any of my fellow readers.

The pacing was a bit slower in this novel, and I really appreciated that, a lot of things needed to be dealt with through intellect more than through actions, and it worked very well in my opinion.

Some quotes to get you salivating a little 😀

She wasn’t exactly dressed for vampire fighting – not that there was a real dress code for that – but she was prepared to sacrifice the cute sky blue top she had on, in an emergency.

You could protect people from harm, but not from knowing.

“What’s the password?” she asked him. “Um, you look hot with your hair standing up?” “Good enough.”

Funny how just the way they smiled at each other could be intimate. Or maybe I was just turning into a girl, living with two of them in the house. That was frightening.

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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