It’s Monday – What are you reading? #13

Posted 1 July, 2013 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in It's Monday, Memes / 0 Comments

It's Monday! - (un)Conventional Bookviews

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Welcome to It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? This is a meme hosted by Sheila @ Book Journey; and I think it is great to start the week with what I’m reading right this minute, and what I’ll be reading (or planning on reading, anyway) for the rest of the week.

Please visit Sheila’s blog to sign up on her linky, or you can do so below,and just know that every week, a lucky winner is drawn from the bloggers or posters (no need to even have a blog) who comment on at least ten posts in the It’s Monday meme. The winner gets a $5 Amazon gift card. How awesome is that?

Last week, I read the following books :

What the Duke Desires - (un)Conventional BookviewsWhat The Duke Desires by Sabrina Jeffries is a really good historical romance that earned 5 stars from me. Very refreshing, with a mystery, travel and a spunky heroine I loved! My review will be posted tomorrow.


Untethered - (un)Conventional BookviewsUntethered by Katie Hayoz is an original YA paranormal romance novel, I really enjoyed it – 4 solid stars. It was exciting to read something that felt so new!


Losing Hope - (un)Conventional BookviewsLosing Hope (Hopeless #2) by Colleen Hoover blew me away! I had pretty high expectations, that were exeeded. And I gave it 5 living stars – it was very well written, and even if parts of it was Hopeless from Holder’s POV, there was a lot of new scenes as well.


Right now, I’m reading

Robin's Blue - (un)Conventional BookviewsRobin’s Blue by Pam Alster. I have just started it, so I can’t really say much about it for the time being. But it’s supposed to be sad and a little difficult to read about…


Next week, I plan to read the following books :

Crossing the Line - (un)Conventional Bookviews Crossing the Line (Pushing the Limites #1.5) I loved Pushing the Limits and Dare You To so much I just want/need more from this universe.


Splintered - (un)Conventional BookviewsSplintered by A. G. Howard has been on my TBR for a while, and I think I’m in the mood for it right now 🙂


Shatter Me - (un)Conventional BookviewsShatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. I have some friends who have been telling me for ages I need to read this. And I agree – I do 🙂



Here are some other posts that went live on (un)Conventional Bookviews last week :

Review: Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths #1)

Top Ten Tuesday #17 – Best books I’ve read so far this year

Review: Only For You (Unforgettable You #1)

Review: Heart of Obsidian (Psy-Changeling #12)

Review: One Tiny Lie (Ten Tiny Breaths #2)

Feature and Follow #50 – Preferred Reading Format

Sidekick Saturday #10 – Cocky

What about you? What have you been reading this past week? Did you enjoy it?

Thanks for stopping by today, have a magnificent Monday 🙂

Lexxie signature (un)Conventional Bookviews




Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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0 responses to “It’s Monday – What are you reading? #13

  1. I’ll have to check out What the Duke Desires. I haven’t read anything by Sabrina Jeffries yet but I’ve been wanting to. I have a friend who highly recommends her books.

    I liked Crossing the Line though I prefer the full length novels. I love this series and I’m looking forward to Isaiah’s story.

    Christina T recently posted: It's Monday, What Are You Reading (150)
    • I prefer full lenght novels, but I’ll probably still like Crossing the Line – it’s like a just need a little bit of that universe, you know?

      Sabrina Jeffries writes excellent historical romances, I really enjoyed this one.

      Thanks for stopping by Christina! Happy reading.

  2. I’ll have to check out What the Duke Desires. I haven’t read anything by Sabrina Jeffries yet but I’ve been wanting to. I have a friend who highly recommends her books.

    I liked Crossing the Line though I prefer the full length novels. I love this series and I’m looking forward to Isaiah’s story.

    Christina T recently posted: It's Monday, What Are You Reading (150)
  3. Gayatri

    Pretty good books you’re reading! Currently am i going through ‘You are Mine’ which I received from Janeal Falor for review. I was supposed to review it a month ago but just got to it now!

    • I haven’t heard of You are Mine, but I’ll come check it out on your blog 🙂 Thanks for stopping by Gayatri.

  4. I’ve got some Colleen Hoover novels on my bookshelf *shame face* unread and I can’t even remember what they are but at least you’ve made me dig them out (after I finish commenting lol)

    At least we don’t have long to wait for Crash Into You, can’t wait for Isaiah’s story.
    Have a great week and happy reading 🙂

    Teddyree recently posted: It's Monday! What Are You Reading?
    • I have books on my shelves that are just collecting dust as well, and it’s really not on purpose. I hope you’ll like them! I have a huge author-crush on Colleen Hoover, her writing goes straight to my heart 🙂

      I can’t wait for Crash Into You! I look forward to getting to know Isaiah better.

      Thanks for stopping by!

    • Yeah, her books have something that hooks me straight away, and her prose is beautiful!

      Thanks for stopping by Kathryn 🙂

    • Yes, it does! I love the cover, and hopefully, I’ll enjoy the story as well 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by Deb.

    • Yes, Crossing the Line was very good, I really look forward to Isaiah’s story now!

      Thanks for stopping by Joana 🙂

    • Robin’s Blue is good so far, but something is very wrong with the formatting… I’ve sent a message to the author to see if it has been fixed.

      Shatter Me is awesome so far, too, and I love it!

      Thanks for stopping by, Brandee.

    • Katie McGarry knows how to twist the knife in my heart! I love her books.

      thanks for stopping by Gabbi 🙂

    • The covers are pretty nice, yes. And the books I’ve started reading are good so far.

      Thanks for stopping by Bettina 🙂

  5. What The Duke Desires was very enjoyable, Ashley! I hope you’ll enjoy it as well.

    Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  6. I am glad that you liked What A Duke Desires, I thought you would like Sabrina Jefferies! This one is on my TBR pile and coming up soon as I need to get it read!

    I have wanted to read Shatter Me as well but never got around to it. I have seen Splintered around but not sure about it, so I can’t wait to see what you think about both of these books! Happy Reading!

    I just finished Hidden by Marianne Curley and it was not bad for an Angel book, I am not a huge Angel book fan but it was okay. 🙂 Now I am reading One Night with A Rake by Mia Marlowe and Connie far it’s okay but I haven’t really gotten very far to know if I will love it or not. 🙂

    • One Night with a Rake sounds good! I love historical romances! I actually finished Shatter Me today! It was absolutely awesome 🙂

      I’ll check out your review of Hidden.

      Thanks for stopping by Stormi 🙂

  7. I just saw on Amazon that Hopeless is $0.99. I’m still reading book 2 in Kim Harrison’s Hollows series. Dare You To is next. Two great reads back to back. hehe! Last week was Switching and I loved it, Lexxie. The characters continue to flitter around inside my head.

    Have a great week!

    Robyn Jones recently posted: Think Out Loud [13] Summer
    • I’m so glad you loved Switching, Robyn! And those characters are actually STILL wreaking havoc in my mind, too.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Untethered sounds like something I’d like. Any book in a particular genre that stands out is great.

  9. Mardel

    Untethered looks mighty interesting. Astral Projection, or traveling is one subject that hasn’t been done to death. 🙂

    Have a great week

    My Reading Week

    • I know! I think the astral-projection was one of the things that sucked me in!

      Thanks for stopping by Mardel 🙂

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