Feature and Follow #76 – Reading Habit Changes
YAY it’s Friday! Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature and Follow! If this is your first time here, welcome! You are about to make some new friends and gain new followers — but you have to know — the point of this hop is to follow other bloggers also. I follow you, you follow me.The Feature and Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Rachel of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to meet more new bloggers!
What sets this Hop apart from others, is that our hosts feature two blogs. Every week they will each showcase a Featured Blogger, from all different genres and areas. Just remember it is required, if you participate, to follow both their featured as well as our lovely hosts as a courtesy. How do you follow someone? Well, if you have a preference, state it in your Feature and follow post. I prefer being followed via e-mail, RSS / Bloglovin’ or Google+; but you can also like my Facebook page, or even follow me on Twitter.
How have your reading habits changed in the past few years? Did you get interested in a new genre? Do you read more? Less? Why do you think your habits changed, if they did.
I have definitely started to read more and more! And I have gotten interested in many new genres. I used to read more serious fiction, and I actually thought everything paranormal and fantasy / urban fantasy was a little too out there for me. Until I actually read a few books that had shifters, vampires, great urban fantasy elements and some magic, that is 🙂 And I also discovered erotica. I had read some romance before, but nothing like some of the books I love to delve into now.
I think both the fact that I discovered Goodreads and two years after that, starting my blog, are the reasons why I read more, and have expanded my reading horizons. I don’t have a lot of friends in real life who are readers, so not many people I hang out with off-line have any books to recommend to me. Both Goodreads and fellow bloggers have changed that, though. My TBR grows so fast – *cries* why do they grow up like that? – and I love trying genres that I haven’t read before.
What about you? Have your reading habits changed? Who do you blame for that? 😉
I may not have the time to visit you back until Sunday, today is my birthday (YAY me!) but I will be stuck in meetings all day and evening. And some may spill over to Saturday morning… Thanks for stopping by today, have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEXXIE!!!! I hope you find some time in your day just for you!! (to maybe sneak in a little reading and maybe some wine 😉
I’ve really broadened my reading horizons since 2009 as well. But I find I tend to read mostly one genre for long periods and then switch to another. I’m so happy we can share books, my friend!! Have a wonderful day and we’ll chat soon!
Oh my, there was no time at all for me yesterday… But the meetings were really interesting! I was part of the nomination committee for a new professor in the English dpt of my uni, so yesterday, we had five trial lectures, discussions and interviews. But we finished yesterday, so I don’t have to go back for more meetings today. I wasn’t home until after 10pm, and the first lecture started at 8:30 am. I’m really glad it’s all over!!
I think I read more of some genres for a while, but I do spice things up a little by changing in a book from a different genre every few books.
Thanks for stopping by, my dear! *BIG HUGS*
My reading habit hasn’t changed at all, I think. I read about the same amount of books. What changed, though, is how I see the story. I don’t know, maybe because sometimes I have to think if I really like it because I might review it, or what can I say in a review.
But I did get into steampunk 🙂 Not so much yet, but I like several steampunk stories, and some are even on my must-buy books. Also, I realized that I’m not into sci-fi as much as I thought, or at least those involving other world life/aliens, etc.
YAY for steamunk, Goldie 🙂 I think it’s really telling that you might see the story differently, though. And I agree, especially when I take a look at my first ‘reviews’ and how I review now.
Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful weekend.
Happy Birthday, Lexxie!!
My reading habits haven’t changed all that much, EXCEPT about a year ago, I read my very first historical romance. Now, periodically, I’ll go on HR binges and read entire series at a time 🙂
Thank you Jessica 🙂 I love historical romances, too! We need to swap notes one of these days. I have a few authors whom I really enjoy, but I need to find more.
Thanks for stopping by!
I’ve always wanted to be reading the paranormal books! All my books had some thread of paranormal in them! Be it magic or vampires or some other creature!
I have added some mysteries, still with paranormal elements though, and dystopians and recently some YA thrillers. So yeah, I’ve expanded my genres a bit too!
Here’s my Follow Friday
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Expanding the reading horizons is awesome 🙂 I read more adult books these days, even if I’m still a big YA fan.
Thanks for stopping by, Jessica.
Happy Birthday!
My reading habits have changed dramatically over the past year, since I started my blog. I suppose that was inevitable. I’m reading a good deal more than I used to, and also buying more books than I used to. (Both are good things!) I also read a lot more YA than I used to, which was also inevitable, since I have a YA-focused blog. I used to read more broadly from lots of genres, and I’m slowly getting back to that.
LOL I buy so many books I need to live until I’m about 250 years old to have the time to read them all 😉
Thanks for stopping by, Stephanie.
Yup! Same here! Blogging and goodreads are major contributors to my reading habits! Discovering new genres is always fun! And I swear TBRs NEVER get any smaller, no matter how many books I read on it. 😀 Happy Friday!
Liesel, that TBR pile seems to have a life of its own! I think that’s also a good thing, though. Finding those gems of stories always makes me so happy.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Hopping thru!
Brittany @ Please Feed The Bookworm
Follow Me Here
Thank you, Brittany 🙂
Hopping through. Happy birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful celebration.
Thank you Alison 🙂 Have a great weekend!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! So sorry you have to spend it in meetings. Hopefully you will find some time to celebrate! New bloglovin follower.
Thank you, Vicki 🙂
Happy Birthday!!
I love all things paranormal, too. I have been trying out new genres recently but I always end up coming back to fantasy/paranormal and YA. New bloglovin follower =)
Alma @ Journey Through Fiction
Coming back to your favorite is normal, I think, but still, trying out other genres every now and then is great, too.
Thanks for stopping by, Alma.
Twitter: talksupeblog
For sure it has! I used to read a lot of women’s fiction and contemporary literary fiction/romance pre blog then I got introduced to UF, PNR & YA Fantasy and got into that. Now I don’t read much YA anymore. I guess being exposed to different styles helped me hone my reading taste. Which is good, I feel like there should be growth somehow somewhere right?
Yeah, and also, I think that actually knowing there are so much possibilities for great books is important. I never knew there were so many different genres, and how much I would enjoy them 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Braine.
Old follower here 🙂
My TBR is also out of control! There are so many books out there! I NEED TO READ THEM ALL! 😀
Tiffany @ A_TiffyFit’s Reading Corner
Yeah, that might be one of the biggest changes! I own so many books 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Tiffanty.
Goodreads has also helped me discover new books! I used to love mystery and paranormal books, but now I find that I mostly read contemporary romance. I’m hoping that blogging can get me to try out more genres, though! 🙂 Have a great weekend!
New follower via GFC
If you dare to try new genres, you’ll never, ever be bored again 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Dyane.
My reading habits have changed too! I use to mainly read YA books, and most were sci-fi, paranormal, and Urban Fantasy. The last year I’ve read mostly NA contemporary. I also have a huge TBR from Goodreads and bloggy friends.
I think most of the time I visit a blog, I add at least one book to my TBR pile! It’s pretty amazing.
Thanks for stopping by, Lindy 🙂