European Bloggers unite :)

Posted 6 February, 2013 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Uncategorized / 53 Comments

european mapI got the idea for a European Bloggers hop from Sharon at Beck Valley Books, where she is hosting a linky to let UK bloggers get to know each other better, and also to help the blogs to grow.

I am not in the UK, and I was a little jealous of that linky, because it’s true that a lot of the blogs I follow are based in the US, Canada or down under, and I know there are a lot of European bloggers out there as well. So when Sharon suggested that I do my own thing for Euroopean bloggers, I thought that was a great idea, so here I am πŸ™‚

You don’t necessarily have to be a bookblogger to join the linky, but you have to be based in Europe. It would be nice if you left a little comment here, so that I know where you are, and what your blog is about. If you want to follow my blog, there are a lot of different ways to do so : Linky, GFC, Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Networked Blogs etc, please let me know how you follow, and I’ll gladly return the favor.
I hope we’ll all have some fun getting to know each other, and that we will discover some new bloggers who blog something that we’re interested in πŸ™‚

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Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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53 responses to “European Bloggers unite :)

    • Hi Mel, thanks for linking up! I am already a follower of your blog, and it’s still as gorgeous as ever. I’m not sure I realized that you’re European, though.

    • You’re welcome Maja πŸ™‚ I really wanted to get to know more European bloggers, I knew the few I already follow aren’t alone!
      Thanks for stopping by and linking up.

    • I love my overseas Blogger friends as well, but I was missing someone I could chat with during the day πŸ˜€ Thanks a lot for linking up Jeanz, your blog looks really good!

  1. Yay glad you did it Lexi xx I would love to meet more European bloggers as well as all the fab US/CA ones I know and now all the UK ones I’m getting to meet. If anyone is from the UK pop on over and link up to our UK one xx

    • Thank you so much for the great idea Sharon! It is so nice to get to know bloggers who are on their computers more or less during the same time I am πŸ™‚

    • Yes, that’s more than OK even, it’s great! I’m sure some of the UK bloggers might want to hook up with other European bloggers as well πŸ™‚

    • Hei Mari πŸ™‚ Jeg er ogsΓ₯ norsk, men jeg bor i Sveits. Hyggelig Γ₯ mΓΈte deg! Bloggen din er kjempefin, jeg liker de forskjellige blΓ₯fargene du bruker. Jeg fΓΈlger deg ogsΓ₯ med GFC nΓ₯ πŸ™‚

  2. Oi, det var virkelig en overraskelse. Det hadde jeg faktisk aldri gjettet, not in a million years πŸ˜‰ Tusen takk for bloggskryt, jeg kan ikke ta Γ¦ren for det vakre utseendet dessverre. Det er Rachel, Parajunkee, som er mesterhjernen bak bloggens utseende.

    • Your blog is beautiful! I was already following you via GFC, but I’m not sure if I have been there very often, because I thought you posted mostly in Italian, which, sadly, is not a language I understand.
      Thanks for stopping by and linking up!

  3. I am also norwegian and I am lucky enough to get to blog at Maris blog Escape in a Book. So it’s not a different blog just a different blogger;-) I now follow you on Twitter, facebook and Goodreads.
    Jeg har forresten ogsΓ₯ en blogg pΓ₯ norsk som heter SΓ₯ rart.

    • SΓ₯ hyggelig at du la igjen en kommentar πŸ™‚ Jeg skal sjekke den norske bloggen din ogsΓ₯ πŸ™‚ Det er veldig koselig Γ₯ mΓΈte andre norske bloggere, det hadde jeg ikke regnet med!

  4. I am also norwegian and I am lucky enough to get to blog at Maris blog Escape in a Book. So it’s not a different blog just a different blogger;-) I now follow you on Twitter, facebook and Goodreads.
    Jeg har forresten ogsΓ₯ en blogg pΓ₯ norsk som heter SΓ₯ rart.

  5. Hi, signed up yesterday, saw it via Mari’s FB (and then internet died on me, just my luck πŸ˜‰
    From Finland.

    And hej! SΓ₯g inte att du var norsk.

  6. Hi, signed up yesterday, saw it via Mari’s FB (and then internet died on me, just my luck πŸ˜‰
    From Finland.

    And hej! SΓ₯g inte att du var norsk.

    • I don’t think that’s greedy at all, Samina! After all, I tried to sign up for the UK one even if I’m in Switzerland πŸ˜‰ And it’s really nice to get to know other European bloggers – everyone is welcome here.
      I don’t know why, but I always thought you were overseas, not in Europe, so even if I was already following your blog I’m very happy you signed up here for this linkup.

    • I don’t think that’s greedy at all, Samina! After all, I tried to sign up for the UK one even if I’m in Switzerland πŸ˜‰ And it’s really nice to get to know other European bloggers – everyone is welcome here.
      I don’t know why, but I always thought you were overseas, not in Europe, so even if I was already following your blog I’m very happy you signed up here for this linkup.

  7. Amazing idea! This is such a great opportunity – I’m a book blogger from Germany and I’d love to reach out to other Europeans, too πŸ™‚

    • Hi Laura πŸ™‚ it’s so nice that you’ve signed up as well! I hope other European bloggers will get to know you now, too!

  8. Amazing idea! This is such a great opportunity – I’m a book blogger from Germany and I’d love to reach out to other Europeans, too πŸ™‚

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