#COYER 3 Historical Romances in 3 Weeks Mini-Challenge

Posted 5 January, 2015 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Challenges, Giveaways / 18 Comments

3HR in 3Weeks Logo - (un)Conventional Bookviews

3 Historical Romances in 3 Weeks Mini-Callenge

Welcome to my mini-challenge for the COYER Winter 2014-2015. I realized I’m possibly the biggest Historical Romance fan among our COYER group, and I wanted to kind of push my friends to reading more HR, and voilΓ , the mini-challenge was born. And I want to send a HUGE thank you to Michelle @ Because Reading for the beautiful challenge logo she made for me.

In order to participate, you have to do the following :

  • Be a COYER Participant
  • Read 3 Historical Romance novels (or short-stories) in 3 weeks
  • The books you read have to qualify for COYER
  • Use the weekly Rafflecopter to take part in the giveaway
  • Remember to link up your review!

There will be four giveaways in total for this mini-challenge. There will be 3 winners who will win an e-book of a Historical romance, in the price range that will qualify for COYER, of course, so there is a chance to read it either during this COYER challenge or the next one. There’s also a grand prize of 3 historical romance e-books for one of the participants.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Come on, I know you want to read some HR with me, and I’m sure you’ll find some you’ll enjoy πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by, and for participating in my HR mini-challenge! Good luck in the giveaway πŸ™‚

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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18 responses to “#COYER 3 Historical Romances in 3 Weeks Mini-Challenge

  1. Your not the biggest HR reader I am!! πŸ™‚ Actually I almost only read HR with a few others thrown in the midst. πŸ˜‰ I am read to go with this one, I have a few picked out so I guess we shall see which ones I read. πŸ™‚ Your challenge made me decide to go ahead and sign up for the Historical Romance reading challenge cause I wasn’t going to but I figured I could probably do the first or second level on there since I mostly read HR anyway..lol. What’s another challenge! πŸ™‚

    • LOL Stormi πŸ™‚ I know you’re a big HR fan, too, and you’ve introduced me to some great authors, too!
      I was thinking about the HR Challenge for the year, but in the end I’ve decided against it. I have too much going on, and I’ve already signed up for several challenges.
      Have a fantastic Mondy.

  2. I only read one book a week so joining this challenge isn’t doable for me :(. Bbut I am planning to read more historical romances this year! So if you have any recommendation to someone new to the genre, just let me know!
    I already bought a paranormal historical romance paperback after seeing a great it on Kimba her blog. I have a few more I want to buy and even realized I got two historical romances for review through a publisher which sends copies of each book they release and it was by an author I heard of so I donwloaded them.

    Can I enter the giveaway even if I don’t participate in the challenge or is the giveaway only for challenge participants? Just asking to make sure before I enter πŸ™‚

    • Sure you can sign up for the giveaway, but I think you’ll only be able to enter for one entry, as I have one for the COYER sign-up post, and the others are for the various HR reviews πŸ™‚
      Happy Tuesday, Lola.

    • The roaring twenties definitely counts, Braine πŸ™‚ But you have to be a part of the COYER challenge to enter this mini-challenge… have you signed up for COYER yet?

    • Nah, you don’t have to link one per week – you just get one extra chance to win if you link up three before it’s over πŸ™‚

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