Bought Bagged And Wrapping it Up #154

Posted 8 October, 2016 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Memes, Wrap-up Posts / 62 Comments

Bought, Bagged and Wrapping it Up is where I share my new books, as well as what happened here at (un)Conventional Bookviews and elsewhere in the blogoshpere. I’m linking up with the usual suspects, AKA Team Tynga’s Reviews, Talk Supe and Caffeinated Reviewer.

STS / BB&B - (un)Conventional bookviews

STS #154 – Bought Borrowed & Bagged #104

Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tynga’s Reviews is all about the latest additions to your library – virtual or actual, with books that are  bought, borrowed, won or ARCs  you will be reading soon. Bought Borrowed and Bagged is a homage to to Barron’s Books and Baubles from KMM’ Fever series, and is hosted by Braine over at Talk Supe. Without further ado, here’s what I bought, borrowed or bagged this past week:

ARCs Recieved - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Bought Borrowed and Bagged Stacking the Shelves

So, Carina Press was VERY good to me this past week, as I got both November and December releases from them as follows :

Holiday with a Twist cover - (un)Conventional BookviewsPursuing the Bear cover - (un)Conventional BookviewsTo the Edge cover - (un)Conventional BookviewsDark & Dazzling cover - (un)Conventional BookviewsEnveloping Shadows cover - (un)Conventional BookviewsThe Assignment cover - (un)Conventional Bookviews

















I got an advance copy of JA Huss’s upcoming release, Mr. Mysterious in her Mister series:

Mr Mysterious cover - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Purchased - (un)Conventional Bookviews bought borrowed and bagged stacking the shelves

I read the first Beautiful book a long time ago, Beautiful Bastard, and I didn’t really enjoy it all that much. Last weekend, however, I met Lauren of Christina Lauren, and she was SO much fun!! So I bought myself Beautiful Stranger.

Beautiful Stranger cover - (un)Conventinooal Bookviews

Victoria Helen Stone is a pseudo for Victoria Dahl, so even if this is NOT a romance, I knew I had to get it!
Evelyn, After cover - (un)Conventional Bookviews
The Sunday Post - (un)Conventional Bookviews

The Sunday Post #104 – Wrapping it Up

Kim @ The Caffeinated Reviewer, is our hostess with the mostest for the weekly Sunday Post where I’m wrapping things up. It is the perfect opportunity to share what happened here on my own blog, as well as some of the happenings elsewhere in the Blogosphere.


Detention was OK, the students were SO quiet, I couldn’t even hear them breathing. I guess they didn’t want to have to come back next week 😉 I got to advance so on my thesis, AND I’ll get paid for it, so it was a win-win. On Friday, I taught English for four hours, and I was happy to do be able to do that 🙂

It’s started to become very cool here, and that’s of course when we found out that our heating isn’t working. Thankfully, we found someone who was able to repair our furnace, and they said they think it should work for the winter, but it needs to be replaced in the spring.

This Week’s Freddy in Action
Showing off
Freddy napping
Freddy napping on my new blanket

Freddy in the garden

This Week's Posts - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up

This Week's Reviews - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up


Elsewhere Blogosphere - (un)Conventional Bookviews - Sunday post wrap-up

Jeann @ Happy Indulgence Books shares 12 Diverse Books we should all read ASAP!

Lola @ Lola’s Reviews shares some great Advice about Giveaways.

Did you get some good books last week? What have you been up to this past week? Thanks for stopping by, I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend, and that next week will be filled with awesome!

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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62 responses to “Bought Bagged And Wrapping it Up #154

  1. Oh boy! You really did get a pile from Carina. And nice, that you met Lauren and hopefully the second try with the series will be better.
    Now, see if it was so quiet like that, I’d wonder what they were up to. 😉 But glad it went well and you got some thesis work done. Yay, some teaching time, too.

    We had furnace issues last year and no sooner was it fixed than we had to have them out again for the thermostat, but at least we didn’t have to get a new one. Glad yours will last a little longer.
    Adorable Freddy!

    • I know, right? I love that they have my e-mail address and that they use it frequently 🙂 And this is the first time they have included the kindle version of the ARCs, so I can read on my preferred device, too.
      I was happy to teach yesterday, it was very nice! And last night, I got two phone calls from two of my colleagues from last year, both who have planned absences in November. So that will be a busy month for me.
      Have a great weekend, Sophia!

  2. It’s been cooling off here too, especially at night, and went to a football game tonight and it was freezing! Welcome to fall! Yeesh… glad the kids behaved ha ha. Sorry to hear about the furnace, hopefully you get through the winter without issues. I was told mine’s getting up there too, so I have a replacement in my future too. Sigh. 🙂

    Greg recently posted: Bookcover Spotlight #69
  3. One thing I cannot stand is being cold in my house! I feel the cold worse than anyone else in my family, maybe because of thyroid problems. I have to feel snug and warm in winter. I hope the repairs hold for the winter and that all of you have a warm house!

  4. Wow! Lots of totally new to me reads there! LOL! Hope you enjoy each and every one of them!! Glad to hear things are going good with your thesis! Thinking about those gives me anxiety! LOL! I just stuck with my BA and am quite fine being done with school. Though should a job opportunity arise and it will allow me to go for a Masters and then lead to more pay, totally would go back! LOL!

    Freddy is so cute! Just look at him testing out your new blanket to make sure it’s worthy for you! So thoughtful! LOL!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  5. Berls

    I wasn’t a big fan of Beautiful Bastard either, but probably would have bought the next book too. It’s hard to go to an author event and run across that one author who is too cool in person but you didn’t like their book.

    I’m glad detention was so easy!! Yay for getting work done while getting paid for other work!! Love it!

    Boo about the heater! 🙁 I hope it wasn’t too expensive to fix. You’ll laugh, but IMO it’d getting cool here too. It’s light jacket weather, which is fine for me. I just don’t like what comes next…

    Hugs! Miss your face!

    Berls recently posted: My TBR List | October 2016 Results
    • True. And most authors I have had the pleasure of meeting are truly amazing. And then, I just want to love their work as well 🙂
      I know, right? I still need to get some more done, as I have a meeting with the professor supervising my thesis on Tuesday afternoon. And I haven’t done nearly enough o.O
      Miss your face too! {{{hugs}}}

  6. Yay for getting paid! That’s awesome. I wish our kids were that scared of consequences. They can’t be quiet and do not understand expectations apply to them. All grade levels have lost the privilege of sitting with friends at lunch and have to sit with their class. Freddy is so cute!

    • Ha 🙂 I do enjoy getting paid, Charlie!!
      I think having to come in on the one afternoon they don’t have school – and where they have time for extracurricular activities deters them quite a bit. If they play soccer and don’t come to practice, they won’t play the weekend game, for example. So yeah, the consequences can snowball pretty fast.

  7. Great haul, Lexxie. I enjoyed Beautiful Stranger, but to be honest, the Beautiful Bastard will always be the best of that series *smile*
    Happy reading and have a great weekend.

    my STS

    best wishes
    Vi @ Gone With The Books

  8. Enjoy all of those books! I also got Evelyn, After….and I LOVE Freddy’s rug in the first photo…or is that a quilt?

    Thanks for sharing, and enjoy the week!

    • Oh no congrats yet… I have a ways to go, still! I feel like I have too many puzzle pieces, and I have to figure out how to put them together to make a logical, coherent picture 😀
      Good luck to you! I have found that writing / working on my thesis about three hours every morning helps me keep a schedule. All of a sudden, it’ll be finished 😀

    • I love getting surprise ARCs 🙂
      It is as if those appliances were programmed to not work when we need them the most! This summer, it was the air conditioner – luckily that was repaired the same day, just as the furnace 🙂
      Have a good week yourself!

  9. Sorry to hear about your heating not working. Mine doesn’t work either, but I’m not bothering to get it fixed, too much hassle when it doesn’t actually get that cold here and I have a space heater I can use.

    Aww, Freddy looks so cute sleeping on his blanket lol.

    Enjoy all your awesome new books and have a great week!

    Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted: The Weekly Update: 10/9/16
  10. I’m glad detention is giving you an opportunity to get on with your thesis. I hope it continues to be quiet and the kids well-behaved.

    And yay for the books from Carina press!

    It’s getting warm here – I’ve pulled out my shorts, so that’s depressing as I hate summer!

    Deborah recently posted: Weekly check-in
  11. Oh Carina was good to you!! You lucky duck! And I’m glad the detention kids were well behaved. That is SO not the case here in the states. Its the worst job for a teacher to have to do, so we all argue about whose turn it is!
    Have a wonderful week!

    Samantha recently posted: Sunday Post Week 41
  12. We had a warm snap here this week but it’s going to cool back off this week. Love the fall weather! Hope you are able to get your furnace fixed before it gets too cool. That’s miserable!! A few years ago our heat pump went out during the winter with below freezing temps. It was awful!
    That’s too funny about your students in detention. I had this one kid that I gave detention to one time that was so sweet but he just couldn’t be quiet during class for anything….he was the same in detention 😆 Hope you have a great week and enjoy your new books! Happy reading 😀
    My Sunday Post

  13. Awesome haul this week! There WERE good to you 🙂

    that’s cute about your students being so quiet. I bet they don’t want to come back hahaha

    Have a great week!

  14. OMG Holiday with a Twist looks so CUTE!!! I need to go add that to my TBR or just get it. 🙂
    Sorry about the furnace, I hope it doesn’t give out on you during the winter. Our house is very old and our furnace is like a little old man, I am hoping he stays on the winter because last winter he was very cranky.
    Freddy! I just love that little bundle of fluffy!

    Have a great week my friend! Miss you lots! Happy Reading! ox

    Michelle @Because Reading recently posted: Hair Cut, Anniversary and a fight~ WIR & TSP
  15. Yes… it’s steadily getting cooler here as well. It’s a time of the year that always makes me sad as I hate the cold – miserable that you are confronted with replacing the furnace next Spring… Glad the detention session went off well – that’s the joy of teaching adults, they don’t pull those kind of stunts:). Have a great week and good luck with getting the thesis written.

  16. Haha! So funny about the detention kids! XD I only went once in my school career so I don’t remember much about it but I probably would’ve been quiet too! You got a fantastic haul this week! I LOVE Christina Lauren! I hope you enjoy all your new reads! The puppy is adorable as always! 🙂

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds recently posted: Weekly Recap: 10/2 - 10/8
  17. Nice haul of books! So glad you gave Magic Binds 5 stars. I know that I will have to set aside most of the day when I pick it up as I won’t want to put it down! Have a great week.

  18. You have Mr. Mysterious!! ?? I want it already!
    I thought Beautiful Bastard lacked substance at times, but Christina Lauren changed how much sexual content they put in the next books, so I hope you enjoy Beautiful Stranger! It was fun!

    Naomi Hop recently posted: SEPTEMBER WRAP-UP
  19. Wife, you *need* to stay away from Netgalley and Edelweiss…look how many new releases you added to your queue!?! LOL 😉 Okay, if I read the ARCs as quickly as you do, I’d be visiting there more often as well. But I’m still trying to catch up on ones I’ve had for ages. 🙂
    I can’t wait to see what you think of Beautiful Stranger…I liked BB, as you know (one of the very few books we don’t agree on), and I’ve always wanted to continue the series but haven’t. And I really can’t wait to see what you think of Dahl’s book that isn’t a romance. O_O
    You’ll have to explain the advance for your thesis…that’s fantastic!! And I’m glad detention wasn’t too bad but more glad you got to teach. 😀
    Happy Monday, wife! <3 *BIG HUGS* <3

    • But, but, but, I haven’t been to neither Netgalley nor Edelweiss! Those ARCs from Carina Press are unsolicited 🙂 I’m innocent *raises hands*
      I can’t wait to read Dahl’s book that isn’t a romance 😀
      Happy Monday to you, too! 😀 {{{big hugs}}}

      • Alright, alright…I suppose I’ll let you off the hook this time, wifey! 😉 And I really am looking forward to your thoughts on Evelyn, After. 😀 *smooches*

  20. All your books are new to me but I hope you enjoy them all 😀 Your detention gig sounds like a win-win to me too haha! It’s gotten quite cool here too but October is my favorite month so I’m happy. I love Fall, the leaves changing colour, cuddle weather and it gets darker earlier so you have a ready made excuse to cuddle up with a good book (even more so than usual LOL) Have a lovely week my friend! xx

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews recently posted: Review: Empire of Storms

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