Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ The Triangle ~ J.A. Huss & Johnathan McClain

Posted 2 October, 2018 by Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Reviews / 4 Comments

*I received a free copy of The Triangle from Science Future Press via Author. This has in no way influenced my voluntary review, which is honest and unbiased *

Warning: This book includes mature content such as: sexual content, and/or drug and/or alcohol use, and/or violence.
Blogger Wife Chat Review ~ The Triangle ~ J.A. Huss & Johnathan McClainThe Triangle by Johnathan McClain
Series: Shape of Love #1
Published by Science Future Press on September 25, 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Erotica, Romance, Suspense
Pages: 305
Format: eARC
Source: Author
4.5 Stars

They’re sworn enemies and I’m in the middle.
Both of them claimed me. Had me. Used me. Forgot me.
Except… I don’t remember any of it. I don’t even know who I am or why I live in this cramped basement apartment with tinfoil covering the tiny windows when my bank account says I have over two million dollars.
I don’t know how I got the stitches on the back of my head, or the scar under my chin, or the ache in my shoulder—but I do know I probably deserved it.
I don’t know why there’s a shotgun in the closet, a sniper rifle under the floorboards, and a pistol under my pillow.
I don’t know why I stay.
I don’t know why I care.
I don’t know why I’m trying to put something back together when it was never whole to begin with.
Until I look at them.
Until they look at me.
Until I touch them.
Until they touch me.
And even though the memories don’t come back.
I know.
I know why I stay.

Adult - (un)Conventional Bookviews Contemporary - (un)Conventional Bookviews Dark - (un)Conventional Bookviews Erotica - (un)Conventional Bookviews

It seems as thought Huss has pulled McClain over to the “dark side” as it were. 😉 This collaboration is more of what I’d come to expect from Huss but with that little more “oomph” from McClain. I loved it. It’s dark, twisty, sexy, action-packed, and leaves you (or at least me) thinking, “Wow. Um, what?!?” It made me think. A lot. Think not only about what was going on – and I’m not certain I ever figured it all out – but also about whether or not we ever really know someone…and do we really know ourselves? I CANNOT WAIT FOR BOOK TWO!!

There was so much going on – between the mystery, the suspense, the criminal activity, the romance, and the betrayals… My head was spinning, and I was completely incapable of putting the book down.
The story is fast-paced and filled with action, but there is still quite a bit of character development, and those twists and turns shocked me more than once.

You said you were initially confused. Without spoiling anything, what confused you and what eventually straightened you out?

LOL I wasn’t completely ‘un-confused’ by the end, but I think that part of what had me confused in the beginning was that Christine didn’t know who she was. She had excellent instincts, at least it looked like she did. And that’s where I wasn’t sure at all about how things were going to go. And yeah, I need more. Because this was a wild ride.


I was extremely curious about what had happened between these three. The animosity between Alec and Danny was palpable. There was this extreme lack of trust and I felt like it came down to Danny not wanting to trust his heart to anyone. But the dynamics between them all were fascinating. There really was “No her without him. No me without them.” How did you feel about their dynamics, history, and how things unfolded?

I kind of understood Danny at the beginning of the story. He had to help Christine – just like he did when they were kids – and knew it was all Alec’s fault. I found it to be a bit funny how fully he trusted Christine, though, especially since she had amnesia. The dynamics between the three of them was so well done! I found that it made their relationship so very believable. And it also made me see that they all needed to be together in order for any of the people in the triangle to feel complete. Even with Danny’s reticence to Alec. 


The event that led them all back together was done so well. We’re still in the dark about exactly what happened but the results of it made a huge impact. Did you like how this plot thread was woven in? Were you shocked when things were partially illuminated?

I have to say that I admired how Huss/McClain dribbled out little bits of information, small clues, and how, even when things came to light, we’re still mostly left in the dark.

Yes! The way information was shared with us as readers was well done. And I think that’s also because not all of the characters had all the information, so it was just normal that we couldn’t have that. And I tried guessing – being wrong – more than once about what was really going on. The interactions between the characters were tense no matter what. Sometimes it was hot and sexy tension, and other times, it was just uncomfortable and possibly deadly.


I wonder if we’ll ever learn more about Salomon…

I really hope we’ll learn more about Salomon. Because he was even more of an enigma than all the other characters combined! And he wasn’t even able to tell Alec who had hired him, and to do what, exactly.


There’s a certain parallel between Alec’s great-grandparents story and that of Alec, Christine, and Danny. Do you think that’s intentional?

Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s intentional. Because Ms. Huss never leaves us a crumble of information if she doesn’t mean to. She probably has the whole series completely worked out in her head in technicolor, and so, she just needed to make sure there is enough in The Triangle to entice us readers to our usual obsession with her (and McClain’s) books. I loved the glimpses we got to the past, because it explained so much about who Alec, Christine, and Danny were now.


A lot is going on in this story. Three POVs, three lives with personal histories as well as combined histories. I appreciated how Huss/McClain laid out the story for us amid all the action – both the violent kind and the sexy kind. What did you think of how it was all woven together?

I floved it! I loved that there was so much action, as I said in my part of the introduction to your review, I felt the adrenaline rush all through the story. And it kind of went with the characters’ personalities as well. Plus, the three POVs gave us enough glimpses into each of their thoughts to feel like there was something there I could relate to. Even if their lives are nothing like mine. 


We have a consensus. We both floved The Triangle and are eager for the next installment!



Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Brandee @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Brandee is a mom of 3 and a soon-to-be empty nester. She is also an avid reader, a genre omnivore, and a compulsive one-clicker - but she's in recovery. Besides being a reader, she's also a writer and hopes to divide the vast quantities of spare time she'll soon have between reading and finally publishing her first book.

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